Join the Loretto Bequest Community
Posted on September 22, 2023, by Loretto Community
… a powerful way to ensure that your commitment to Loretto’s people and mission continues
By Virginia Nesmith, Loretto development director
Loretto donors are essential to our work, and we are thankful for each of you. Loretto’s good work is also furthered by those who are now deceased and have left a gift in a will for Loretto. We are grateful for their thoughtful foresight. And we are grateful that in recent months, 75 current donors and friends have told us that they have included a gift for Loretto in their will or have committed to do so. You can join them in making a Loretto bequest.
You may know Loretto as an alum, a partaker in its work for justice and peace, a relative of a sister or co-member, a friend of the Pakistani sisters, a participant in Motherhouse events, because you have a loved one in the Loretto Living Center or through another of the many ways that Loretto touches lives. Leaving a gift to Loretto in your will helps ensure that Loretto continues to impact lives, leaving them for the better.
Your bequest can be designated for a particular Loretto fund you care deeply about or left undesignated for the Loretto leadership to determine the best use for it. And it’s not complicated! Simply choose any dollar amount or percentage of your estate to leave to Loretto. In past years some have chosen to designate Loretto as a beneficiary of a trust or life insurance policy.
However you choose to make a bequest it is a powerful way to ensure that your own commitment to Loretto’s people and mission continues. It is a blessing for Loretto’s work, and it is peace of mind for you.
If you’d like information about how to leave a gift in your will to Loretto, or to let us know that you have done so, please send me a message through the form at the bottom of the page.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
If you don’t have a will or need to update one, you can do it yourself at no cost through Gifts of any size help Loretto’s mission live on.
There is one right that few people think about: the right to say what happens to your assets after you are dead. As you think about creating or revising your will or estate plan, don’t see it as a chore. See it as a way to continue the important commitments you made during your life and to uplift the values and faith that guided you. This is a wonderful human right.
Kim Klein, Loretto co-member
Contact Virginia

To read all the articles in the Fall 2023 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.