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Kim Klein Publishes New Edition

Posted on July 1, 2016, by Mary Ann McGivern SL

Kim Klein proudly displays the latest edition of her popular fund-raising book.
Kim Klein proudly displays the latest edition of her popular fund-raising book.

Co-member and veteran fund raiser Kim Klein has just published the seventh edition of her classic book, Fundraising for Social Change. For more than 30 years, Fundraising for Social Change has been the hands-on guide to raising money from individuals. With a specific focus on grassroots organizations working for justice, it is one of the most widely used books in the field and in university degree programs. Often described as the “Bible of grassroots fund raising,” the book is used all over the world. Chapters of it have been translated into many different languages, and the entire book has been translated into Korean and Chinese.

The first edition of this book almost didn’t see the light of day. The publisher went bankrupt as the book was being printed. Kim decided to buy all the copies and sell them herself. She and a friend, Myn Adess, then decided to start a small publishing company, Chardon Press, which went on to publish many different fund-raising and community-organizing books and two important Loretto titles: Naming Our Truth and Century of Change.

Kim credits her work with the late Vicki Quatmann for many of the ideas in some of her previous editions, and her work with various Loretto projects for some of the information that appears in this edition.

Kim Klein's Journal ad Color Edit

Promotional material states, “The revised and expanded seventh edition of Fundraising for Social Change is eminently readable, easy to understand and able to be applied to almost any nonprofit in need of more money and more donors. Fundraising for Social Change provides a step-by-step prescription for building, maintaining and expanding an individual donor program. This edition incorporates new information on the impact of generational change, the role and uses of social media, how to practice multi-channel fund raising, online events and much more. Filled with examples and stories from the author’s vast experience, the book is not only helpful but fun!”

The book is augmented by templates, examples and case studies online for easy download.

Basing your fund-raising strategy on the contributions of individual donors may feel like herding cats — but it’s the best way for your organization to maintain maximum freedom to pursue the mission that matters, Kim says. A robust, organized, planned approach can help you reach your goals sooner, and Fundraising for Social Change is the field guide for putting it all together to make big things happen.

Mary Ann McGivern SL

Mary Ann recently moved from St. Louis to the Loretto Motherhouse in Kentucky. She is searching for entry points into Marian County, Ky., civic life — funding the day care center, improving jail services, helping stop a pipeline through Bernheim Forest. She is on the roster of homilists at Loretto Chapel’s Sunday Communion service. Mary Ann has been a Sister of Loretto since 1960.
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