More than 660 LCWR Members, including Loretto, Call on President Trump to Stop All Divisive and Polarizing Rhetoric
Posted on August 15, 2019, by Loretto Community
In Scotsdale, Ariz., Aug. 14, the 663 Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) members, including Loretto President Barbara Nicholas, affirmed and issued a letter to President Trump beseeching him to end all divisive rhetoric. Also at the conference and affirming the letter were Loretto executive committee members Cathy Mueller, Sharon Kassing, Vicki Schwartz and Mary Catherine Rabbitt. The full text of the letter may be found here.
Please consider adding your voice to this effort. We ask that you write your own letter to the editor of your local newspaper or media outlet as soon as possible to call the president to exercise his moral authority for the good of all people.
LCWR said feel free to excerpt part of the LCWR letter as you explain why you believe you needed to state your concerns to the president. We hope that as many people as possible will join with the LCWR members to write letters and thus make our collective voice heard throughout the country.