Loretto celebrates preciousness of all life
Posted on January 21, 2025, by Loretto Community

Photo by Peg Jacobs
All life is precious. From the beginning God was in love with us and wanted to live with us to reveal to us what true humanity looks like. We are tall, short, Black, brown, white, thin, smart and not so. We play drums and horns, organs and banjos. We paint and draw, we are artists and hunters, we build and tear down, we fix things and create. We are moms and dads, bishops and ministers, sisters and teachers. We sell cars and wash windows, we pick grapes for wine and oranges for eating. We are all precious. We are all swell. We love God, and God loves us. All of us. Totally. Always.
This week on Loretto’s Facebook page we celebrate the preciousness of all life.