
Abolish Nuclear Weapons

The abolition of nuclear weapons is one of the Loretto Community’s priority concerns.

Home » Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes Review

By Mary Ann McGivern SL / June 26, 2024 /
A Sadakao statue: a young girl with a pony tail holding up a book with a bird emerging from the open book, and a plain white wall background.

The Loretto Peace Committee decided last August to promote Eleanor Coerr’s historical novel for children about an 11-year-old named Sadako. Sadako [Sa da’ ko] is a healthy girl, a runner on the middle school track team,…

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News from New Mexico, the Atomic State

By Allison Lemons CoL / May 22, 2024 /
Lorettos for Disarmament Banner

Between 1956 and 1972, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) periodically flushed water containing chromium down Sandia Canyon. In 2005 a toxic plume of hexavalent chromium was discovered in ground water under LANL property. Fifty years later, those responsible…

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Discussion of the Movie “Oppenheimer”

By Byron Plumley CoL / September 13, 2023 /

In Cedar Falls, Iowa, we hosted a discussion of the movie “Oppenheimer” with friends from the Unitarian Universalist Church. The following comments were made during the conversation. Without a political focus the…

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Loretto members, friends remember horror of Hiroshima, call for no new nuclear bombs!

By Loretto Community / August 9, 2023 /
Loretto Community member holds a banner made by Robert Strobridge CoL that reads "Our globe is too Pentagonal!"

Earlier this month Loretto members and friends traveled to Albuquerque, N.M., to join in the solemn commemoration of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan. At 5:16 p.m. Aug. 5, a bell…

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We Humans have No Right to Destroy God’s Creation

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2023 /
Robins nest with three blue Robins eggs

By Beth Blissman and Allison Lemons Although threats are increasingly bandied about globally regarding the use of nuclear weapons, the United Nations has brokered two treaties, which, if implemented, would…

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Easter Peace… Let’s Hope

By Allison Lemons CoL / May 1, 2023 /
Peace Dove Graphic

Nuclear weapons are immoral and expensive. One nuclear blast could kill several million people, not including those who would suffer from radiation sickness and genetic mutations. Nukes contaminate air, soil…

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A plea from the Peace Committee

By Allison Lemons CoL / March 1, 2023 /
A colorful banner with a white dove and a gradient color background of pink and blue with the text, "We work for justice and act for peace"

Nuclear weapons are weapons of massive destruction so horrendous that to expose anyone to them is not just immoral; it is demonic. On Aug. 6, 1945, our country dropped an…

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The new nuclear arms race

By Allison Lemons CoL / February 1, 2023 /
Lorettos for Disarmament Banner

As the news in December showed, we are embarked on a new nuclear arms race. Early that month, the U.S. unveiled the B21 Raider nuclear stealth bomber, our first new…

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Nuclear Waste Grows

By Allison Lemons CoL / January 11, 2023 /
Lorettos for Disarmament Banner

The Loretto Peace Committee focuses on the abolition of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, it is easy for us to forget about nuclear waste. But not for New Mexico residents. Beyond the…

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Prayer for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

By Loretto Community / October 19, 2022 /

This year is the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Nuclear war was avoided then. We need to avoid it now in the Ukraine and for future generations. Loretto…

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Increased nuclear threat may renew interest in disarmament, advocates say

By Loretto Community / September 26, 2022 /

Posted by Global Sisters Report on September 22, 2022 … Blissman said the NPT talks were “yet one more example of how the U.N. operates in silos on different existential…

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Sisters disappointed at outcome of UN nuclear disarmament meetings

By Loretto Community / September 14, 2022 /

Posted by Global Sisters Report on September 5, 2022 Sisters and congregational advocates at the United Nations are disappointed but not surprised at the breakdown of a monthlong meeting examining…

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