Loretto Joins Mennonite Peace Action
Posted on January 24, 2024, by Loretto Community

Photo by Susan Classen CoL
Co-members Susan Classen and JoAnn Gates represented Loretto at a Mennonite-led peace action for Gaza in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 16. They were among about 200 people who gathered for a prayer service outside the Cannon House Federal Building in support of 135 people engaging in civil disobedience inside.
Susan reflects, “It was for me a moving experience of the power of peaceful and prayerful protest. The words to one of the songs continue to echo in my heart, ‘None can stop the Spirit burning now inside us. We will shape the future. We will not be silent!'”
JoAnn adds, “We often think of contemplation AND action; this protest was, for me, a transformative experience of contemplation IN action. It is such a privilege to have been present for this action.”
Click here to read about this action in the Washington Post. Mennonites are known for singing so follow this link for short videos that include filling the halls of power with music.