Loretto’s LACC: Fifty-plus years in solidarity with farm workers
Posted on September 18, 2023, by Loretto Community

The Loretto Community and Loretto’s Latin America/Caribbean Committee (LACC) have worked with the National Farm Worker Ministry (NFWM) for more than 50 years standing in solidarity with farm workers as they organize to improve their living and working conditions. Recently, LACC joined a rally in Burlington, Vt., in support of the Migrant Justice and Milk with Dignity campaign. Loretto members Mary Jean Friel, Rox Monterastelli and Paulette Peterson represented LACC while visiting the offices of Migrant Justice in Burlington to learn about the Milk with Dignity campaign during the NFWM board meeting.
Founded in 1985, LACC exists to be a healing presence, a source of hope and a force for change while seeking justice and peace for all who are impacted by the inhumane immigration policies and the decades-long interventionist foreign policy of the United States throughout the region.