Reflection on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Posted on March 31, 2024, by Eleanor Craig SL
Acts 10:34-43 1 Cor 5:6-8 Mark 16:1-7
We have arrived this morning, at the conclusion of Holy Week, to greet a new day. With one third of the peoples of the world, we greet this day joyously, welcoming the brilliance of the Easter sun as a wondrous sign of the Beloved Son, raised from death.
Thursday, we gathered at table as the living Body of Christ to celebrate our communal love.
Friday, we mourned with all creation over the bleeding, dying Body of Christ.
Last night we listened in grateful awe to the history of God’s loving action, from the beginning of creation.
Through the night, our hopes rested with the shrouded body of Christ, waiting and watching for the dawn of the new creation.
This morning we wake with Christ and rise to new life as his Body.
From this morning forward, may ritual and revelation renew us, so that, like the women amazed at the empty tomb, we might be surprised anew by the signs that the Christ is alive in our world. Like the women sent to tell the others, may we each go forth to tell what we have seen and heard and know in our hearts: that the Light of the world is risen and goes before us, lighting our days, lighting even our nights.
May our spirits rise with Christ. May we shine with the light of Christ for all the peoples of our world. Hence forth, may every day be Easter.