

“We profess unshakable reliance upon God and human reliance upon one another.” Sometimes together, sometimes alone we speak to our God, who hears our needs and responds in love. Learn about the Faith and Spirituality of Loretto members.

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Living Vows

By JoAnn Gates / December 1, 2018 /
Two small trees with minimal leaves in a green field next to a pond.

* Knowing our human need for security, I vow ongoing conversion toward rootedness in God. * Knowing our human longing for connection and generativity, I vow ongoing conversion toward a…

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The Folk Architecture of Little Loretto

By Joy Jensen SL / November 1, 2018 /

Little Loretto (the first Loretto Motherhouse, located near St. Charles, Ky.) is an example of Upland South folk architecture in early 19th century Kentucky. Folk architecture is architecture built for…

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Little Loretto as Landscape Spirituality

By Joy Jensen SL / November 1, 2018 /

Little Loretto occupies a sacred place in Loretto’s history and memory. The landscape of Little Loretto evokes what is precious in Loretto spirituality. Little Loretto is an example of landscape…

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Saying ‘Yes’ Again

By Loretto Community / February 1, 2018 /

A group of Loretto sisters renewed their vows at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass this past Dec. 8 at Nerinx Hall. Co-members joined in renewing their commitment of…

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JoAnn Gates, Susan Classen Make Vows to God and Loretto

By Eleanor Craig SL / December 1, 2017 /
Two women pictured candidly applauding in a church service with other attendees behind them. One woman looks at the other with an endearing look.

JoAnn Gates and Susan Classen celebrated their vows to God in the Loretto Community at Loretto Motherhouse Nov. 4. The celebration lasted all day, incorporating elements intimately warm and solemn,…

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Maureen McCormack Offers Her Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue

By Loretto Community / March 1, 2017 /

By Maureen McCormack As I think about the topic of interfaith dialogue, I realize that most of us grew up in one faith or no faith tradition. Some were part…

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