
Loretto in the News

Enjoy this list of news stories featuring the Loretto Community and/or its members.

Former Kentucky convent finds new life as compassionate care home

By Loretto Community / July 29, 2021 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on July 28, 2021 It has been said with some authority (Mark 2:22) that one does not put new wine into old wineskins. That…

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Catholic women pursue pro-life values at the border

By Loretto Community / February 18, 2021 /

Published by the National Catholic Reporter February 18, 2021 While most young adults look to the entertainment industry for models to emulate, 23-year-old Elyse McMahon turns to a more idyllic…

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Go into the world: Sisters find common ground with people of other religions

By Loretto Community / January 25, 2021 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on January 25, 2021 Sr. Nasreen Daniel was a panelist for the Global Sisters Report in their The Life feature series. Sr. Maria Daniel…

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Capitol riot mirrors insurrections outside US, say sisters with international duties

By Loretto Community / January 8, 2021 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on January 8, 2021 Beth Blissman CoL was interviewed by the Global Sisters Report in response to the riot at the Capitol on January…

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The gift of small works in the face of big issues

By Loretto Community / November 23, 2020 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on Nov 18, 2020 Denver — It begins with a box. During our first few days together as a house, my fellow Denver Loretto…

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Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services receives $50k+ via two grants

By Loretto Community / November 16, 2020 /

Published by the El Paso Herald-Post on Nov 13, 2020 Friday morning, officials with the Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services, Inc. (DMRS) announced that the organization had received two grants…

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‘People are raw’: Sisters reflect on how we live together post-election

By Loretto Community / November 3, 2020 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on Nov 2, 2020 Sr. Barbara Nicholas was interviewed by the Global Sisters Report for an article in their Election 2020 feature series. “We…

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Q & A with Sr. Anna Koop, a Catholic Worker ministering to Denver’s homeless

By Loretto Community / April 22, 2020 /

Published by the Global Sisters Report on April 21, 2020 “Sr. Anna Koop, a Sister of Loretto, is a Denver-based housing activist who opened the Denver Catholic Worker House in…

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Social Justice While Social Distancing

By Loretto Community / April 20, 2020 /

Published on the Catholic Volunteer Network website – April 20, 2020. Written by Gabriele Eissner, a current Loretto Volunteer. We are living in an unprecedented time. This moment implores us…

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Unchanging community resistance amid the COVID-19 crisis

By Loretto Community / April 15, 2020 /

Published in the Global Sisters Report – April 15, 2020. Written by current Loretto Volunteer Celine Reinoso about her and her housemates’ experience volunteering in El Paso during the coronavirus…

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The group of women religious proving that the church has no borders

By Loretto Community / April 7, 2020 /

Published by US Catholic – Monday, April 6, 2020 “’We have always said from the beginning that the church has no borders,’ says Sister of Loretto Helen Santamaria, a native…

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Fascinating Story on Reinterment of 17 Pioneer Loretto Sisters

By Loretto Community / August 3, 2017 /

Thank you to Ron and Rosie Brogan, who created “A Catholic Mission” website and shared the fascinating story of the reinterment of 17 pioneer Loretto Sisters in St. Paul, Kansas,…

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