Catholic women pursue pro-life values at the border
Posted on February 18, 2021, by Loretto Community
Published by the National Catholic Reporter February 18, 2021
While most young adults look to the entertainment industry for models to emulate, 23-year-old Elyse McMahon turns to a more idyllic model: the Beatitudes.
Gleaned from 16 years of Catholic education, she calls the Beatitudes her “guiding principles to live by.” They form her decisions and led her to El Paso, Texas, where she’s serving as a legal assistant for Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center during a yearlong internship with the Loretto Volunteer Program. As a white female raised in Ohio, McMahon knew she’d be in the minority in El Paso, where more than 83% of the population is Latino. But she made a conscious choice “not to overstep, but take a backseat and listen to people’s needs.” …
Read the full story here.