“Community is for mission.” We strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world. Learn more about how we serve.
Like many a good story, this one starts with an ice storm in Kentucky. Mary Swain was driving us to the Louisville airport. Claudia Calzetta and I woke early on…
Read MoreDid you ever spot a Kentucky Warbler or a Yellow-breasted Chat? They fly freely in the Loretto Motherhouse forests. They are neotropical migratory birds that are protected under the Migratory…
Read MoreThe Loretto Special Needs Committee awarded 11 social change grants to diverse groups who share in Loretto’s commitment to build a culture of peace and justice and serve its struggling…
Read MoreI am intrigued by what I am learning about the role of land in mitigating climate change. Actually, challenged would be more accurate. I have been actively involved in fighting…
Read MoreThe Loretto Community firmly and unequivocally supports the 2017 U.N. Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons. We call upon the President and Congress of the United States of America, where we…
Read MoreBy Paulette Peterson and Mary Ann McGivern Sixteen Loretto Community members, Volunteers and friends joined the Nov. 9 demonstration to advocate for the closing of the School of the Americas,…
Read MoreBy Barbara Wander Loretto’s very generous donation of $10,000 to the Little Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus has come at a time of real need. Although they…
Read MoreThe Special Needs Fund, established by the General Assembly of 1973, has been active in promoting Loretto mission for 44 years. The Special Needs Fund has provided a combination of…
Read MoreThank you to Ron and Rosie Brogan, who created “A Catholic Mission” website and shared the fascinating story of the reinterment of 17 pioneer Loretto Sisters in St. Paul, Kansas,…
Read MoreOver the past 18 months, Beth Blissman, Jean East, Anna Koop, Lisa Reynolds, Mary Helen Sandoval and I have been considering the possibility of a future project in Denver —…
Read MoreAnnually, the board of the Loretto High School Alumnae Association, following consultation with the members at the business meeting, awards small grants of up to $500 to sisters and co-members…
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