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Through Loretto Link we extend our mission into the future

Posted on June 12, 2020, by Barbara Roche SL

Loretto came to be and comes to be through the creative Spirit of God, whose grace worked powerfully in our founders and continues to work in the community as a whole and in each of its members.’ 

Loretto Constitutions
A woman smiling

Loretto Link is the most recent illustration of the Spirit at work in Loretto. It is one of many ways in which we are addressing the challenges of planning for the future. 

The Loretto Community, gathered in Assembly in July 2017, affirmed the formation of a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation to carry forward the mission and spirit of Loretto in companionship with the Congregation (vowed sisters) and Community (vowed sisters and co-members) of Loretto. Out of that resolution has come Loretto Link. 

We know that we are aging, but we also know that our values of working for justice and acting for peace are shared by many inside and outside of the Community. Loretto Link allows us to create a spiritual community in which there is equal participation and a voice for all who choose to belong. Approximately 140 Loretto Community members are members of Link. We are working on a process for opening our membership to persons who are not members of the Loretto Community. 

Walking with confidence into the future, Link’s decisions will reflect our understanding of and commitment to the sacred unity of creation, as well as our continued commitment to work for justice and act for peace. We embrace cooperative dialogue, openness and a spirit of trust. 

For information about Link, please see www.lorettolink.org or email [email protected]

Photo by Paulette Peterson CoL

Two women sitting in a chapel smiling at the camera
Martha Crawley CoL, left, and Sue Kenney CoL at a Link meeting at the Motherhouse in 2019 

Barbara Roche SL

Barbara, a Sister of Loretto, is academic associate at Marian Middle School in St. Louis. Prior to this, she served as president of Nerinx Hall High School for 27 years and advocated for a variety of social justice issues. Barbara enjoys cooking, gardening and reading mysteries.
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  1. Avatar Michele Stimac on September 17, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    We are growing organically in the Cosmic Spirit.

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