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Trivia Loretto style!

Posted on October 2, 2023, by Loretto Community

Do you remember that American TV quiz show, “I’ve Got A Secret?” If you are older than 40, you probably do. Celebrity panelists tried to guess contestants’ secrets, usually something amazing, unusual or humorous.

Historical photo of an older teacher, sitting in a chair, working with a young boy to solve the math math problem written on the blackboard behind them.
Sister Rose Miriam O’Donnell, St. Catherine’s School, St. Louis, helps one of her students.
Photo courtesy of Loretto Heritage Center

Like most everyone, Loretto has a few secrets, too. But this post is not just about secrets. It’s about truth telling! It’s about inviting you to remember your Loretto history, fun facts and some of our secrets! Take our quiz this week on Loretto’s Facebook page to see how much you may know and can learn about Loretto!

What was Loretto priest-founder Rev. Charles Nerinckx’s horse’s name? 
When was Loretto founded? 
Why does Loretto have three small lakes on the property? 
What was the name of the first Loretto site in Kentucky?
What kind of animals lived behind Rhodes Hall? 
Where was Loretto’s first Post Office?
What was the early name of the property Loretto now sits on?
Who was the first Loretto President?

Share your answers this week on Facebook on the daily trivia question! Answers will be posted the following day and are below.


What was Loretto priest-founder Rev. Charles Nerinckx’s horse’s name? Printer
When was Loretto founded? 1812
Why does Loretto have three small lakes on the property? They were used for fire water, built before the Motherhouse got on the town of Loretto’s water system
What was the name of the first Loretto site in Kentucky? Little Loretto
What kind of animals lived behind Rhodes Hall? Pigs – called pig alley
Where was Loretto’s first Post Office? Basement of the infirmary
What was the early name of the property Loretto now sits on? St. Stephens Farm
Who was the first Loretto President? Mother Ann Rhodes

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