What is Emerging?
Posted on June 1, 2020, by Mary Ellen McElroy SL

The ending is a beginning!
LCWR’s most recent Reflective Journal on Discernment presents us with a poem entitled “Trasna” by Raphael Consedine PBVM. It challenges us to view this historic moment in the world as a crossing place — a place where we come to the end of what we have always known and move forward toward something that will be quite different from what we may even be able to imagine now.
From our beginning in 1812 Loretto has evolved into who/ what we are today. We stand on the shoulders of those gone before us — their courage, concern and energy … are with us as a lasting endowment of hope. (IATW, 6) The thresholds have been many, the “crossing places,” beckoning us to “choose” and “come.” What threshold is calling Loretto today and what feelings does this evoke for you? How do we respond? Are we willing to allow ourselves to shape the future in ways that diverge from our known ways of being and doing?
The members of the Emerging Forms Committee invite you to join us in some wonderings as we ponder the “Crossing Place” we are presently experiencing. What are your thoughts, questions, lessons learned as we continue to move into the unknown future, moment, by moment, by moment …?
The ending is a beginning!
If you would like to share any reflections with us, we’d be happy to receive them. Thank you.