What is Emerging?
Posted on November 1, 2021, by Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Often we become aware of new ideas, challenges or inspirations that suddenly emerge in our lives and demand our attention. One of these inspirations came to us in the September mailings. Barbara Nicholas and members of the Executive Committee sent every member of the Loretto Community a copy of the 2021 LCWR Presidential Address by Elise Garcia, OP, entitled “Creating Space for the Future: Cutting Deeper Grooves of Transforming Love Into Evolution.” Elise names this as “a sacred task with cosmic dimensions” and further likens this transformation of our human species to the profound metamorphosis that takes place in a cocoon — “a meltdown that transforms the caterpillar into a butterfly.” This type of transformation is beyond change. We actually become something new!
Elise spoke further regarding our particular call — “The Spirit Call to which we have been summoned at this epochal moment in history: To lay down permanent capabilities for creative communion among all peoples and between peoples and planet. And to cut deep cosmic tendencies for transforming love into the universe.”
As you reflect on this challenge, what excites you? What do you wonder about? What inspires you? During Advent, the Executive Committee will be providing us with the opportunity to participate in Zoom sessions to further reflect and share with others what this means for us in community and for the world!
So, thank you, Barbara and the EC, for being the bearers of this challenging and sacred calling. “May we be given the contemplative grace to cut deeper grooves of conscious relationality and communion in the evolutionary path we are treading so that others may follow.”*
*All quotes are taken from the ad- dress by Elise Garcia, OP.