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What is Emerging?

Posted on July 1, 2023, by Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

Anyone living today who is not aware of the crisis our world is in has to be existing with their head in the sand. For years now individuals who have developed a higher consciousness have warned humanity of the breakdown of systems, the devastation caused by climate change and the suffering of so many peoples because of the rise of violence in our world. We are living in that world today, the world of separation that has not brought about peace and equality but has created a world where problems are “solved” by going to war, and where violence is becoming the new normal. Human beings have forgotten that we are one — interconnected with all.

At the same time something new is being born. We are awakening to a change from the mental age to the mystical age, which is called by some the Great Turning or the New Story of Interbeing or the Fourth Spiritual Dimension. The meaning is the same: that the human race on Earth is gradually being transformed into a higher consciousness which will bring about equality, justice and peace. This transformation begins with each of us as we awaken to the reality of who we really are as divine beings, deeply interdependent on other beings. Each of us has the power to effect change by becoming more truly human, more our real self. The truth of our inner being, joined with others, can transform our world. Change within ourselves will coincide with change in others because consciousness is not separate from others. We are all one.

We invite you to join us in pondering the significance of the mystical age. How do I experience the divine nature in my life? What do I have to let go of to become more truly human? A key insight of interbeing says: “I would do as you do, if I were you.” Think of someone about whom you tend to be judgmental. Try to put yourself in their situation.

Sources: “The Dawn of the Mystical Age,” by Frank Tuoti; “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible,” by Charles Eisenstein

Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Mary Ellen McElroy has been a Sister of Loretto since 1958 and currently lives in Denver. She serves on the Loretto Link Board and is a member of the Spirituality/Contemplative Working Group. Mary Ellen is also a member of the Emerging Forms Group. Her latest ministry since 2000 is spiritual direction, which continues to be her favorite. One of her favorite pastimes is conversing with others about things that keep emerging in our lives. Her favorite saying is "It is what it is, and ain't any isser!"
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