What is Emerging?
Posted on September 1, 2019, by Loretto Community
lIia Delio muses on the future of religious life: “I anticipate religious life in the 21st century will be more provisional and local than institutional and permanent. … What form will this new type of religious life take? Many forms, for love and compassion know no bounds.” Ilia suggests “our challenge is to make a radical shift in our thinking about ourselves, which means finding within ourselves a radical freedom and trust in the creative power of love.” (Global Sisters Report, Sept. 12, 2018)
Reflecting on these words, our hearts know exactly what this challenge will be for us, for Loretto — an invitation, an opportunity to let go of all our egoic pressure and trust fully in this creative power of Divine Love! Let us continue pondering, wondering, changing, sharing.
We invite you to ponder and meditate on these reflections of Ilia Delio. Share what Wisdom is whispering to you — we, the Emerging Forms Committee, would love to hear from you!