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Jean East CoL

Jean has been a Loretto Co-member since 1983 and recently retired as a professor of social work at the University of Denver, Graduate School of Social Work. She currently is a coordinator of the Loretto’s Women’s Network and supports local efforts in Denver for immigrants and refugees.
Home » Archives for Jean East CoL

Immigration, Borders and the Way We See and Experience Them

By Jean East CoL / June 19, 2024 /
Colorful Loretto Community banner shows a silhouetted family holding hands with the words "Danger?" above. A Gospel quote follows: "I was a stranger and you took me in," Matthew 25:35.

Is the reality of people crossing our southern border with Mexico the snapshots you see on the news at least two or three times a week? Isn’t crossing borders a…

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Welcome Christina Garcia!

By Jean East CoL / October 1, 2023 /
A woman with shoulder length dark brown hair smiling brightly while holding a microphone and wearing a white t-shirt with a colorful checkered graphic on the front.

The Loretto Community welcomed Christina Garcia as a co-member in March and had a celebration in Denver on Aug. 11. Christina grew up in Denver where she and her seven…

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Co-member Alice Kitchen Receives Starr Women’s Hall of Fame Award

By Jean East CoL / April 5, 2023 /

Congratulations to Alice Kitchen, co-member and a coordinator of the Loretto Feminist Network, who was honored at the University of Missouri – Kansas City and received the Starr Women’s Hall of…

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What is the Loretto Feminist Network?

By Jean East CoL / November 1, 2021 /
Five women conversing in their personal spaces via web-call.

Prior to 2019, this network was known as the Loretto Women’s Network (LWN). It is now the Loretto Feminist Network (LFN). There are important reasons for the expanded name. For…

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Book Review: Era of Ignition by Amber Tamblyn…

By Jean East CoL / November 5, 2020 /

By Becca Krasky, Loretto Volunteer and Jean East, Co-member, an intergenerational conversation In the height of the Me Too movement, many women wrote about their experiences. One was Amber Tamblyn…

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By Jean East CoL / October 30, 2020 /

In the presentation by LFN at the 2020 Assembly (post Assembly), we celebrated the 100-year anniversary of women’s right to vote. As we shared, this really meant white women, as…

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Loretto Community Supports Feminism … Women and All Gender Identities

By Jean East CoL / August 24, 2020 /

‘Women Hold Up Half the Sky’* (*Original statement by Mao Zedong and a portion of the title of a book, ‘Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide,’…

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Intentional Community: An Authentic Sign of Hope (Proposal 10)

By Jean East CoL / November 1, 2019 /
Two women, Beth Blissman and Jean East, smiling brightly for a picture together indoors in front of a plain white wall. One woman has short white hair and a pink shirt, the other woman has short dark grey hair and a dark purple shirt, both of them are wearing reading glasses.

 A conference in Hudson, N.Y., provided signs of hope through the topic “Diversity and Inclusion in Intentional Communities.” Beth Blissman and I attended the conference this past July. The conference…

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LWN Presents EnCourage

By Jean East CoL / December 1, 2018 /
A woman with short brown hair smiling brightly for a picture while sitting at a desk with a laptop in an office.

Building on the significant history of the Loretto Women’s Network (LWN), we are once again writing a newsletter for the Community and others about the issues facing women in today’s…

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Jean East: ‘My Job, My Vocation’

By Jean East CoL / November 1, 2018 /

I am so blessed that my job as a professor at the University of Denver was not only my job but also my vocation. I retired in June 2018 from…

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