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Kim Klein CoL
In 1925 Pope Pius XI declared the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year to be the Feast of Christ the King. He did this to resist the rising fascism of…
Read MoreAlmost every presidential campaign has slogans. One that could be repurposed for today’s presidential election is Lyndon Johnson’s anti-Goldwater slogan, “In your guts, you know he’s nuts.” Johnson’s far more lasting slogan…
Read MoreI think many of us wake up slightly (or greatly) depressed at the state of our world. But once in a while, there are creative responses to some of the world’s…
Read MoreLoretto Link is five years old! The organization was created to help carry on the mission and spirit of Loretto, and we incorporated as a nonprofit in 2018. Our members are steeped…
Read MoreHere is my dream: You, the reader, are saying to yourself, “I can’t wait to read this Midweek Mission Message! It includes two of my favorite words, filing and taxes!” I…
Read MoreIn school board elections across the country in April, scores of right wing candidates were defeated. In Illinois, 70% of school-board candidates endorsed by the Democratic party won their races…
Read MoreI start with a confession: I am the opposite of a clothes horse. I once thought of joining the military just so I would not have to think about what to…
Read MoreBy now people who follow the news have probably heard of FTX and its wunderkind creator, Sam Bankman-Fried. Very simply put, Bankman-Fried created a form of cryptocurrency and encouraged a lot…
Read MoreThere’s no such thing as neutral education. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom. Paulo Freire, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” I live in California and…
Read More“A land without a people for a people without a land” is a common phrase associated with the Zionist movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine during the 19th and 20th…
Read More“As a nun, I’m expected to offer thoughts and prayers, and indeed I do. But that’s not enough. We must rise up and take action together to stop this violence.…
Read MoreThe Investment Committee is one of the quieter committees in the Loretto Community. Started in the 1970s, our original mandate was shareholder activism. We, along with other religious communities, would…
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