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Breathe Into Us A Passion for Justice

Posted on August 17, 2020, by Loretto Community

 We embrace our particular works of mercy, charity or justice in a spirit of informed openness to the deep needs facing us in the church and world today. We work with all people of goodwill to address these concerns.

— “I Am the Way,” Loretto Constitutions, #39
Shown here is longtime Loretto activist Alice Kitchen at a recent “Black Lives Matter” rally and protest in Kansas City, Mo.

The COVID-19 pandemic has pulled back the curtain on the prevalence of systemic racism in our country. George Floyd’s murder, and the deaths at the hands of law enforcement of so many other of our Black siblings, have brought to bear myriad voices from all parts of the world, including our Loretto Community, to call for the eradication of systemic racism and the transformation of our society.  Black and Latino communities, in particular, have experienced frustration and outrage for far too long over the lack of just wages, just education, just housing, just criminal justice system, a just economy, and on and on. Loretto joins with all those who say, “No more!” 

Racism is not new. In every zip code where Loretto members live and work the evils of racism persist. Parents in our neighborhoods ask, “Is my child next?” Shouts of “Black Lives Matter” and the cry “Rise Up” are heard on the streets of our cities. In the sanctuary of a parish that members attend in St. Louis, a photo stands before the altar. Jesus has fallen under the weight of the cross. The words printed near the picture say it all: “I Can’t Breathe.”

None of us will breathe deeply until justice is served. None of us can breathe deeply until all can breathe deeply. George Floyd was not the first to die as he did. Generations before him experienced the same racism. It’s not over yet.

But there remains hope. Like so many others, Loretto members work for justice in and through a multitude of ways: The Peace Committee, El Paso Center for Women, Advocate for Latino Families, Loretto at the UN, Tomales Regional History Center, Catholic Charities, The Healing Place, Catholic Worker, Heritage Center, service to the elderly, clinical social work, Loretto-connected schools, University of Kentucky, Plowshares Farm Center, an adult day program, Denver Human Services, and the list goes on and on.

The foundation of mission is the call of Jesus Christ. The task of mission is the promotion of the Gospel. The process of mission is the service of the Community.

Insist on love. Resist all hate. Persist in hope.

Interfaith Worker Justice 

Loretto Community

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