Carrying on the Work of the Gospel: Loretto Addresses Special Needs
Posted on November 8, 2021, by Loretto Community
Remember the story of the man who came to Jesus and asked, “What do I have to do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus answered him, “Keep the commandments, you know them. Then go sell what you own and give it to the poor.” But the man could not do it. He walked off sad because he was holding on to a lot of things, and not about to let go.
Jesus’ words were not only to the rich man but to us as well. Jesus would say to all of us, “Trust in God to take care of you, to fulfill your needs.” A tall order for any of us! The Gospels do not say, “be poor”; they say, “Do what you can.” Loretto takes that directive to heart. For years Loretto has been in partnership with groups that have supported social change, groups that represent the values Loretto holds dear. One way the Loretto Community supports innovative social change projects is through its Special Needs Fund. The fund comes from a percentage of Loretto’s annual operating budget. Organizations are invited to submit grant applications for up to $7,500 for social change projects that exemplify the mission of the Loretto Community to “work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us.”
Established by the Loretto General Assembly of 1973, the fund has been used to actively promote Loretto’s mission for 48 years. The Special Needs Fund provides grants to help effect social change and to address emergency needs of Loretto’s economically disadvantaged neighbors in times of crisis. When we give grants to organizations both large and small, we help to carry on the work of the Gospel.
Loretto cannot do all these good works alone. So, we entrust our giving to the organizations that reach out and support those who are in need. That’s the Loretto way. Our Constitutions call us to build communities that will offer all citizens the opportunity to learn and grow. We hope to give communities the choice and ability and power to shape the world around them. Their future lies in discovering that capacity. Loretto can help that goal happen. We hope to help lift families from generational poverty and to give them a voice in their future. Join us in your locale in giving — small and large gifts — to those people or organizations who help those in need. In doing so, together, we all truly can be the hands and feet of Jesus for others.
Thanking the Almighty, and you our Loretto Sisters, for bringing some hope into the hearts of many through your generosity. May God bless you!