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Loretto Assembly 2021: ‘Seeing with the Heart’

Posted on November 13, 2021, by Loretto Community

“Seeing with the Heart,” the Loretto Assembly 2021 theme, is an invitation to consider how we in Loretto embrace our God, each other and those we serve.

I Am the Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, #4, invites each Loretto member to “glorify God and serve the neighbor through lifelong commitment and compassion. This legacy resounds in our hearts as a grace and challenge marked by our unique foundation and history.”       

The week of Nov. 14, Loretto will enter into a gathering we call an Assembly. Every member is invited to join together to consider current topics of interest to our life and mission. The week begins with a welcome by our president, Sister Barbara Nicholas, a thank you to current officers and an election of new Co-members to the Forum, an extension of our leadership that leads the Community in service to others. 

The logo setting the Assembly theme is a beautiful weaving of a heart highlighting the words “Seeing with the Heart.” Loretto is held together by our faith, our relationships and values. The weaving of a heart that holds the words of our theme reminds us of how we are united — one to another, tightly woven, strong in spirit and loving in Community.

The words of our Assembly logo will give meaning to our time together during the days ahead. They will remind us that we are all responsible for our Community life and mission, but we know we don’t act alone. We are woven together so that our collective experience of life in Loretto will contribute to the hope of so many people who seek meaning and purpose to life.

We hope our voices, united together, will mirror God’s unconditional love for all people. We hope that our hearts will be broken open into a new capacity for loving and serving as we meet the needs of our time. God’s love and grace are always present. We pray that we are present as well. We say to God during this week of Assembly, “Weave us together in love.” And we know God will.

You are invited to see how the Loretto Assembly weaves its way through this coming week on Loretto’s Facebook page.

Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.
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