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Loretto’s Mission Reflects Call To Nurture All Life

By Loretto Community / May 9, 2022 /

‘We are each meant to be mothers of God.’ Meister Eckhart von Hochheim OP We all want “to birth love” in the world. Or, at least, we should. Meister Eckhart,…

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Loretto Members Share Ways to Live Simply So Others May Simply Live

By Loretto Community / May 2, 2022 /
Handcut felt banner displays strips of blue, gray and black, in the center of which is a colorful flower. Text reads "Choosing to live simply so others may simply live!"

The poet David Whyte says, “The doorway to a radical, numinous simplicity, seems to be reached by the long and difficult path of generosity.” Loretto Constitutions say, “By our vow…

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Remembrance of the Life of Gabriel Mary Hoare SL

By Eleanor Craig SL / May 1, 2022 /
A woman with short grey hair and dangly earrings wearing a light-colored patterned blouse smiling brightly for a headshot picture while sitting in a plush pink chair in a living room with a house plant branch behind her head.

Loretto Sister Gabriel Mary Hoare died early morning May 1 at the Loretto Motherhouse Infirmary in the company of the nursing staff. Gabe, as she was affectionately known, was 93…

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Welcome Nicole Cobb, Loretto Academy’s New President

By Mary E. (Buffy) Boesen SL / May 1, 2022 /
Two women posing and smiling brightly for a photo in front of a staircase.

I am pleased to announce that the Board of Trustees of Loretto Academy has appointed our fifth president, Nicole Cobb. Nicole is a 2002 graduate of Loretto Academy and is…

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Loretto Motherhouse Farm Wins Conservationist Award

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2022 /
Six different individuals standing together displaying a poster and smiling for the photo.

By Angela Rakes, Education and Outreach Coordinator for Loretto Motherhouse As part of the 2021 Loretto Community Assembly, Loretto Motherhouse Farm Director Cody Rakes, my husband, shared with the Community…

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Building Bridges to the Future at Webster University

By Annie Stevens CoL / May 1, 2022 /
Six different women of diverse backgrounds and ages conversing happily in a discussion setting.

On April 5, a large virtual gathering of Webster University scholarship students and donors celebrated together and shared stories. Among the participants was Barbara Ann Barbato, long-time Webster faculty member,…

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What is Emerging?

By Mary Ellen McElroy SL / May 1, 2022 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

The winter 2021 issue of LCWR’s “Occasional Papers,” entitled “God’s Infinite Vision,” is dedicated to our call to see the world as God sees it. Gabriele Uhlein’s article* “Collectively Seeking…

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Seeing with the Heart

By Loretto Community / May 1, 2022 /
Peace Dove Graphic

By Sonja Novo and the Good Trouble Working Group What does your heart see in our world at this time? Mine sees groups of people all over the world joining…

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Trust Empowers Us

By Eleanor Craig SL / May 1, 2022 /

Recent calls for Loretto to do something to meet the urgent need for low-income housing sparked me, as Loretto’s historian, to review Loretto’s contributions to housing for low-income elders and…

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A History Mystery

By Susanna Pyatt / April 27, 2022 /
Framed oil painting by Frans Floris the Elder

Back in January, the Heritage Center staff were asked about an oil painting of the Epiphany that hangs in the Motherhouse Infirmary. This work, showing the three Magi visiting the…

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Loretto Community members’ passion for education helps Escuela bloom

By Loretto Community / April 26, 2022 /
Black-and-white photo of two women looking over a female student's shoulder at her computer screen.

Susan Swain SL By Marlene Spero SL Susan Swain SL was a gifted teacher and administrator who brought to Escuela years of innovative elementary school teaching. Susan was skilled in…

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Helping to revive dignity in Juarez

By Loretto Community / April 26, 2022 /

What if we were to do away with misery in Juarez? We think this can be done. The Rev. Peter Urban, a priest of the Denver Archdiocese, Loretto co-member and…

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Cupola Cross 2-Icon

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