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Come away

Posted on February 19, 2023, by Christina Manweller

When people are here, they are immersed in a healthy ecosystem and experience themselves as part of it.’

Susan Classen CoL
Cedars of Peace caretaker
Looking up to the canopy of tall trees, with sunlight filtering through the leaves.
Majestic trees reach for the sky at Cedars of Peace.
Photo by Christina Manweller

Welcome! The Loretto Motherhouse retreat centers, Cedars of Peace and Knobs Haven, offer rest, rejuvenation and warm hospitality.

Whether you seek the opportunity to commune with your deeper self in solitude, or prefer to organize a group retreat, you will find Cedars of Peace and Knobs Haven to be beautiful, nurturing settings on the nearly-800 acres of the Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky. Cedars is suited to retreats for individuals. Knobs is available for individuals or groups.

Susan Classen CoL and JoAnn Gates CoL have continued Loretto’s long tradition of running the retreat centers with an eye toward eco-responsibility and love for nature (including human beings). They gently guide retreatants to experience themselves as part of the lifegiving, natural whole. Susan and JoAnn say, “Cedars and Knobs exist in the service of life.”

These ecumenical retreat ministries of the Sisters of Loretto are open to seekers of any religious or spiritual persuasion, or none at all. The centers’ hospitality and the peace and beauty of the Motherhouse grow out of both the history of the Sisters of Loretto (211 years) and the local ecosystem (over a billion-plus years of change and evolution that have resulted in today’s natural environment).

Rockers line the wall looking out of a peaceful porch.
The restful sun porch at Knobs Haven awaits arriving guests.
Photo by JoAnn Gates CoL

You will find walking paths, three lakes, wooded areas, trees, flowers, deer and a peace that’s elusive in our day. A generous gift of birdsong will greet you each morning.

Earth-conscious measures include recycling, water filters on the kitchen sinks at Knobs (no need to bring plastic water bottles), cloth napkins and rags, an electric-vehicle charging station at the Motherhouse, green cleaning supplies, solar-powered flashlights and emergency radios at Cedars and repurposed wood within the Cedars cabins.

Spiritual direction is available to those interested.

To learn more, visit the retreat centers home page.

To read all the articles in the Winter 2022-2023 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.

Christina Manweller

Editor of Loretto Magazine, Christina’s nonfiction and poetry has appeared in numerous publications. For many years she served as Director of Communications for a Colorado-based peace and justice organization. Her background also includes English and writing instruction at a local community college, digital and print design work, and photography. One of her joys is visiting the Loretto Motherhouse once or twice a year.
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