Loretto Calls on Biden/Harris To Reunite Migrant Families Separated at U.S. Border
Posted on February 5, 2021, by Loretto Community
“Every day that passes adds to the trauma that these children continue to endure at our hands. Reuniting these children with their families would do much to restore decency and integrity in our country.”
– Letter to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris
As part of our commitment to be a healing presence, a source of hope and a force for justice for immigrants/migrants and their families, the Latin America/Caribbean Committee on behalf of the Loretto Community is calling on the new Biden/Harris Administration to take immediate action to reunite the over 500 migrant children who were separated from their families at our border due to atrocious U.S. border policies. We wrote a letter that was delivered to the Biden/Harris Transition Team and We received about 1,000 individual and institutional endorsements of the letter. We believe in the transformative power of personal and institutional initiative to create change and thank all the supporters of this initiative. You may read the letter below.
For questions, write to [email protected]
Letter to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris
December 7, 2020
President-elect Joseph R. Biden
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris
c/o Biden-Harris Transition Team
RE: Urgent Reunification of Migrant Families
Dear President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris,
On behalf of the Loretto Community, consisting of Catholic Sisters and Co-Members working for justice and acting for peace, and our social justice partners and friends, we write with heartfelt congratulations on your election as the next President and Vice President of the United States of America! We are filled with hope that your message of unity will truly help our country to “build back better” and restore the principles of democracy and institutional norms.We affirm your priorities to beat the COVID-19 pandemic, support economic recovery, advance racial equity, and tackle the climate crisis.
As you actively plan for your administration’s transition to leadership, we implore you to move immigration justice to the top of your agenda. More specifically, we call on you to take immediate action to reunite the over 500 (some estimate over 600) migrant children with their families who were separated at our border. As a community that works to be a healing presence and a force for change at the border, we share President-Elect Biden’s outrage at this criminal act done in the name of the U.S. government by the Trump Administration.
We urge you to act immediately to name your task force to address this injustice, and not wait until you officially begin your term in office in January. Every day that passes adds to the trauma that these children continue to endure at our hands. Reuniting these children with their families would do much to restore decency and integrity in our country.
Respectfully with hope,
The Latin America/CaribbeanCommittee(LACC)
On behalf of the Loretto Community,
Barbara Nicholas
Loretto Community
Love your commitment to justice and peace issues. I was at your retreat place in Kentucky for an 8-day retreat. Would love to keep in touch with you. Will continue exploring you web page. Perhaps you have a newsletter and I can sign up for that…
Dear Ms. Stockton. Here is a link to our “Connect” page on our website – https://www.lorettocommunity.org/make-connections/
It provides a brief summary of a number of Loretto publications you may wish to receive, and you can choose to sign up for the ones you would like.