Lent: A time to listen to Gospel call to ready ourselves, be open to God’s grace
Posted on February 12, 2024, by Loretto Community

Photo by Peg Jacobs CoL, from Loretto Heritage Center collections
Many years ago, Dr. Seuss wrote a book called “Oh, the Places You’ll Go.” Many thought it was just for children, not so! There is a message there for you and me: The places you go already lie within you. They contain the invitation to move forward on the journey of your life, within the sacred story of God’s life. Take a good look at the readings this Ash Wednesday. Invite God to walk with you this season of Lent. How is this Lent going to be different from any other? This year it begins on Valentine’s Day. What will you embrace on your journey? Who will walk with you? How will you allow your heart to be open to a new awareness of the environment? Will you challenge yourself to work for racial equality? What darkness do you long for God’s light to fill during this coming Lent? The places you could go are endless. Journey forward for the next 40 days and see where love takes you.
There is a wonderful greeting card company called Cardthartic. Of the many categories of cards, a favorite is “friendship.” The messages in each card seem straight out of Scripture. Phrases like: “How fortunate we are to be friends … who lift each other up through life.” In reflecting on this upcoming weekend’s readings, think about God’s friendship, described in Scripture as “covenant.” God is saying to us in word and for all time: I give you everything, I give you my life. I give you my Son. No greeting card needed.
Our life’s journey is, of course, more than a greeting card message, it is a covenant with God that can never be broken. And the sign of this covenant? God has set a rainbow in the clouds, and whenever it appears, God/we remember the covenant. The question for us this Sunday is what is our part of the covenant? What is our commitment that flows from our Baptism?
Lent is a time to renew our privileges and responsibilities as baptized and beloved. As John Mogabgab wrote in “Weavings,” “Lent is an in-between time as we wait, watch and prepare to be astonished.” It is time to pay attention to the Gospel call to ready ourselves and open our hearts to God’s grace. We need to stay connected with others, with our inner selves and with God this Lent. How will you do that? Believe in the Gospel. Watch for the rainbow.
Visit our Facebook page this week to find reflections on the season of Lent.