Loretto and its Sister Communities support spirituality of peace, global interconnectedness
Posted on January 15, 2024, by Loretto Community
Throughout the years, Loretto has honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s message of non-violence. Our members have celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day in various parts of the country where there has been a Loretto presence since the 1980s when the observance first became recognized officially as a federal holiday. Their participation in these events is a tribute to the historical importance of Dr. King and the hope that even in these difficult times we continue to honor him and the fight to recognize the true equality of all people.
The chapter on “mission” in I Am The Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, reads, “We strive to bring the healing Spirit of God into our world. We commit ourselves to improving the conditions of those who suffer from injustice, oppression and deprivation of dignity.” Honoring Dr. King calls us all to see what is happening around us and what needs changing as we hear God’s call to read the signs of the times and respond. Ours must be work that supports a spirituality of peace and global interconnectedness, being one with the people we serve. We must improve the conditions of those who suffer.
Dr. King gave many testimonies in his preaching. He was influenced by the Gospels, learned in his Baptist churches through word, song and action. Dr. King’s preaching continued through the 16 short years of his ministry as he often quoted St. Paul in Gal. 2:20, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me!” Dr. King translated those words into prophetic action working for peace and justice for all. May we all do our best to do so, too.
The concept of Sister Communities has been a value in Loretto for more than 25 years. The welcome of these communities can be traced to the Constitutions of Loretto, I Am the Way, # 40, “Cooperation with others engaged in creating a more just and peaceful world is crucial to fruitful mission.”
It is in living out our mission that we fully know the truth of the Gospel. Living out that mission brought Loretto into the lives and work of two Sister Communities abroad, the Holy Family Sisters in Guatemala and the Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity in Ghana.
In 2003 discussions began with the Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity – a Ghanaian community founded in 1984 to minister to the poor – about building a school in Akokoamong on land that had been given to them by the village’s queen mother. The need for quality education in this impoverished area made the partnership a good fit, as providing education to those in need is a value that has been part of our Loretto heritage since our founding in 1812. The school opened in September 2009 with 25 students, and enrollment has continued to grow.
The Loretto Community and the Holy Family Sisters (La Sagrada Familia) in Guatemala established a relationship of sisterhood (“hermanamiento”) in 1994 to enrich one another spiritually and culturally and to support one another in the mission and work of each congregation. Since then Loretto sisters and co-members have visited the schools of the HFS, worked with them in their missions, and participated in regional meetings and conferences in Guatemala. Holy Family Sisters have attended and addressed our assemblies, visited Loretto centers and participated in events at the United Nations.
This week on Loretto’s Facebook page, we honor Dr. King, his values and our Loretto Sister Communities.