Loretto Community Calls on Congress to Halt Separation of Migrant Children from Parents
Posted on June 15, 2018, by Loretto Community
The Loretto Community, which includes the Roman Catholic Congregation of the Sisters of Loretto and Loretto Co-members, today joined people of conscience and faith everywhere in denouncing the U.S. government policy of separating migrant children from their parents.
Loretto President Sister Pearl McGivney said, “I and many in the Loretto Community have spent our lives working with beautiful migrant and refugee families. I join with our brother, U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference President Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, in calling this policy exactly what it is: immoral.”
McGivney urged all who have attended Loretto schools, worked in Loretto ministries, and are part of the larger Loretto Community to immediately contact their U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives to demand an immediate end to the separation of migrant children from their parents, and to pass the Feinstein bill, which will legally prohibit this practice.
“Families belong together,” McGivney said.
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