Loretto honors fallow time: Embracing the “inside” season
Posted on November 27, 2023, by Loretto Community

Photo by Susan Classen CoL
Fallow time. Wintering. Call it what you will, only one out of every 10 living in the U.S. call the coming months their favorite. Certainly there are many who truly suffer – mentally, physically, financially – during these months. But unless we live in a warmer climate, or plant ourselves there once the trees go bare, you and I are a part of this same seasonal rhythm that invites all of nature, including our human one, to rest.
Is it conceivable that we might open, however narrowly, to a relationship with our deeper, perhaps more-hidden self, which might actually need this season for its flourishing? Is it remotely possible that we could learn to abide, if not embrace, this “inside” season?
Follow us on Facebook this week as we consider going down under.
Thank you; your words “a fallow time” mirror my own thoughts and experience.
And reaffirmed we are all one in God.
Return, oh my soul to your rest – breathe
Return, oh my soul to your rest – breathe
Return, oh my soul to your rest – breathe
Thank you.
Preston, England