Ministry Grant Allocations December 2020
Posted on February 1, 2021, by Loretto Community
By Denise Ann Clifford, Barbara Roche, and Mary Margaret Murphy
Photo courtesy of Mary Jean Friel
Amazed and grateful describe how Denise Ann Clifford, Barbara Roche, and Mary Margaret Murphy felt after reading the Ministry Grant request application for funding in December 2020. In fact, we experience these feelings every six months as we initiate the application process. We remember the generosity of Loretto, at the 2018 Delegate Assembly, when $100,000 was made available from the General Fund or Mission Fund to be allocated in 2019, again in 2020 and in 2021. As we read the applications, we experience the engagement of the Loretto Community members in a variety of activities that address the needs of those who are marginalized, forgotten, misunderstood and struggling. Some funds are used to welcome program participants into an environment that reflects openness and inclusion; other projects foster awareness of climate change issues.
We hope you, too, can be grateful and amazed as you read the list of the Ministry Grant allocations:
New Ways Ministry
St. Anthony’s High School (Pakistan)
Loretto Academy Challenge Program
Music Makes Me Happy
Jemez Helping Hands
Accelerated Neighborhood Climate Action
Jemez Springs Community Presbyterian Church
Knobs Haven Retreat Center
Cuyahoga River Community Lab
FST Empowerment
The Healing Place
Annunciation House
Kelly Center for Hunger Aid and Service of West Marion County
Loretto Child Care Center