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Posts from Pakistan: 2.13.2023

Posted on February 13, 2023, by Loretto Community

Hello to all of you,

It is 5:30 am and I’m sitting up in bed, drinking coffee Anna has made, and listening to prayers being sung across the street at the Mosque.

There is so much good energy and work being done here. The students will welcome us today at 9 am. Everyone will bring a dish to share at noon. We’ll wear the white pants, tunic and shawl that are the Sisters’ standard dress. Maria is making one for me. Tomorrow and Thursday we go to the Major Superiors’ meeting. Friday they have state exams here.  Both the Cardinal and the local Bishop are coming to meet us!

Anna and I each have our own room and bathroom on the second floor of the school.

Yesterday morning I finally read the New Yorker review of literature about the India – Pakistan partition over 75 years ago. It was on my mind so I asked Shaista, who is in the Come and See Program and planning to become a sister, about it. Her family always lived in Pakistan and were always Catholic, but her grandfather told her about partition. Samina and Nasreen’s families were living in Kashmir and had to move, despite being Catholic. 

The front gate of St. Anthony's School in Lahore, Pakistan.
Front gate of St. Anthony’s School.
File photo

St. Anthony’s School is much bigger than I imagined. There are 245 children in the school. Samina teaches subjects in 7th and 8th. Shaista teaches second grade. Siema teaches 4th grade. Nasreen is administrator and there is another woman who is the director. I’ll have a better understanding after we meet everyone today.

There is a gate into St. Anthony’s, and the school fronts the property. The convent, the house where Sr. Michele of Sisters of God lives and the night watchman’s house are behind. We walk on a brick driveway behind the school, in front of the other buildings. There is a 2-car covered car park and behind it is a big garden — maybe half an acre. In front of the convent is another yard that runs up to the wall next to the gate, fronting the Main Street. 

Women, some in traditional Pakistani dress, gather in a sitting room for conversation.

Our schedule is common meditation at 7:30, then breakfast and off to work.  Anna and I are meeting with a couple of young women to help them improve their English. Dinner is when school ends at 2:30. Tea is at 4:00 followed by prayers. Supper is at 7:30. 

Time to get ready for the day.

Mary Ann


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  1. Avatar Jeannine Gramick on March 14, 2023 at 1:00 pm

    Thanks, Mary Ann, for sharing about life with Loretto in Pakistan, which is a big part of our work for justice. Blessings on all that our Loretto sisters and friends are doing to bring peace and tranquility to this part of the world’s family.

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