Saints Just Do It — Aspiring to Proclaim Everywhere the Goodness of God
Posted on October 31, 2022, by Loretto Community

Row 2: Mary Edith Jones Seematter CoL, Marian McAvoy SL (Formerly Sister Marian Joseph) and Mary Lou Gomez-Leon CoL
Row 3: Rosalie Durán CoL, Angie Murphy SL (Formerly Sister Stephen Mary) and Dr. Lawrence Purcell CoL
Row 4: Mary Lee Murphy SL (Formerly Sister Marie Dolores Phillips), Gabriel Mary Hoare SL, Evelyn Houlihan SL (Formerly Sister Evelyn Marie) and Janel Crumb OSF, CoL
File photos; Collage by Natalie Gaviria
Jesus returned to the disciples after his resurrection bringing peace. With the gift of the Holy Spirit, Jesus made them and their followers instruments of that peace. As we have let God transform us into his followers who belong to Loretto, we slowly have learned how to do as the disciples did and accepted the call to stand at the foot of the cross. Some of us have stood strong. Some of us ran for shelter and anonymity. Some of us went to work. Some waited. Who is there with us? All the baptized? Maybe. All sinners? Of course. All the poor? For sure. All immigrants? Yes. All the saints? Absolutely!
Who are these people we call saints? People who trust in Christ in a deeper way? Of course. We cannot name motives for sainthood, but we can say that saints’ lives are never private because the Spirit of God that moved them to service and love is uncontainable. God’s Spirit brings a divine energy that flows through Earth bringing the joy of peace and freedom. And then saints give it away!
You know saints. Look around. Maybe they live next door? That person down the street? Someone in your church or synagogue? Some striving to live more simply. Some with the gift of a deep listener to the heart of another. Some searching for the mystery of God. Some with strong dedication to people who are poor. Who is your favorite saint?

File photo
Do saints try to fix things? Some do. Do some saints long for peace and harmony? Yes. Most saints seem to wait for God to call them into receiving unconditional love and then they use that love to live into the Word of God. We call it Gospel living.
Is it a risk to be a saint? Yes, it is. For a saint has to follow the Gospel even when it could cost everything. And for some of them it did. You can’t force the heart. You just need to keep on keeping on. In our Loretto Constitutions, I Am the Way, we say the following and try to do it. “With all those who hear the Word of God and keep it, with all people of good will, we aspire to proclaim everywhere the goodness of God.” (#53) Saints just do it.
We invite you to read about a few of Loretto’s favorite saints this week on our Facebook page. You might find someone who looks like that new immigrant to your town who moved in down the street. Or you might find a church worker who is filled with compassion. Authentic. God’s creation. Start looking. In a mirror, too. We are all saints in the making!