
Loretto Justice Fellowship

Loretto Justice Fellowship matches social work and pre-law students from the University of Texas-El Paso to social justice internships with El Paso-based partner organizations. These organizations are on the front lines of work aligned with Loretto mission and values. Our Loretto Justice Fellows build the capacity of these local partners, contributing to and learning from the critical impact of these organizations.

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Journeys in justice – Loretto celebrates the 2023/24 Loretto Justice Fellows!

By Loretto Community / May 14, 2024 /
Eight women smile for a group photo on a casual hike on a cloudy day with six women standing in the back and two women squatting in the front wearing sunglasses.

May 2024 marks the end of the inaugural year of the Loretto Justice Fellowship program. At this time last year, the Loretto Justice Fellowship program existed only as an idea,…

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Loretto Justice Fellows’ Spring Retreat

By Annie Rosenkranz / April 17, 2024 /
Eight woman stand in a group photo smiling in casual clothing in front of a sign that says "Kelly Center for Hunger Relief"

Recently the Loretto Justice Fellows gathered for spring retreat, spending the morning serving with Kelly Center for Hunger Relief, sharing lunch with Loretto Community members and spending the afternoon in reflection in nature.…

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Loretto Magazine – Winter 2024

By Loretto Community / February 20, 2024 /
Cover of Loretto Magazine winter 2024. Photo of seven women posing together on the front steps of a building. Text at the top reads: Inside... Loretto's new Justice Fellowship program, Loretto welcomes migrants, Pioneers at Loretto Heights College ... and more

Download Read Loretto Magazine Loretto Spotlight Video – Annie Rosenkranz A letter from Loretto President Barbara Nicholas SL As I write, it is certainly wintertime here in North America. The…

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Loretto’s Justice Fellowship: a bold, innovative leap of faith

By Annie Rosenkranz / February 20, 2024 /
Seven latina women smile for a group photo in a row.

The Loretto Justice Fellowship has taught me about community and how I can utilize my personal strengths to seek for justice in every way in my life. Larissa Meza, Loretto…

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Loretto Spotlight Video – Annie Rosenkranz

By Loretto Community / February 14, 2024 /
A woman with strawberry blond hair in a blue shirt smiles at the camera.

Together this year, our Loretto Justice Fellows will contribute more than 3,300 service hours to partner organizations at the U.S./Mexico border while connecting with each other and Loretto Community members.…

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Loretto Justice Fellowship – First Semester Report

By Loretto Community / February 14, 2024 /
Two hands hold a bright flame next to the words "Loretto Justice Fellowship"

The Loretto Justice Fellowship is moving ahead with year two of our evolved program model! As we move into the future, it’s important we remain responsive to and transparent with program…

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Wondering what the Loretto Justice Fellows have been up to?

By Loretto Community / February 7, 2024 /
Seven latina women smile for a group photo in a row.

Check out the fellows’ Community and Contemporary Spirituality presentation from the Loretto Link annual meeting below! Here is what a couple folks had to say about their presentation:

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Evolving in community: The Loretto Justice Fellowship program is underway

By Annie Rosenkranz / February 1, 2024 /
A woman with dark brown hair and dark-framed glasses smiling brightly wearing black pants, black boots, and a white sweater while posing standing next to a building mural of big yellow letters with cactuses in the background.

Like the Loretto Volunteer Program from which it evolved, the Loretto Justice Fellowship program connects the next generation of justice leaders to Loretto, to impactful service work with Loretto-aligned justice…

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Loretto Link Looks to a Vibrant Future

By Kim Klein CoL / November 29, 2023 /
Eleven woman stand in staggered rows on a staircase smiling for a group photo

Loretto Link is five years old! The organization was created to help carry on the mission and spirit of Loretto, and we incorporated as a nonprofit in 2018. Our members are steeped…

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Loretto Justice Fellows begin justice journeys with partner organizations

By Loretto Community / August 28, 2023 /
Selfie of eight women of diverse ethnicity.

Loretto Justice Fellowship matches social work and pre-law students from the University of Texas-El Paso to social justice internships with El Paso-based partner organizations. These organizations are on the front…

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Loretto launches new Justice Fellowship Program

By Annie Rosenkranz / June 19, 2023 /
A brunette woman smiling for an outdoor portrait in a navy blouse.

Loretto’s leadership has approved the Loretto Justice Fellowship as the successor to the Loretto Volunteer Program. The Loretto Justice Fellowship begins its pilot year in El Paso in 2023 in…

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Loretto extends warm welcome to inaugural Loretto Justice Fellowship Fellows!

By Loretto Community / June 5, 2023 /
Collage of seven headshots of young women. Text in the center reads "Meet our 2023-2024 Loretto Justice Fellows!"

The Loretto Justice Fellowship is Loretto’s response to calls for new strategies and priorities across the social justice landscape, shifting needs of young people and transitions in religious communities, including…

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