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This Is the Day! Jesus Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!

Posted on April 5, 2021, by Loretto Community

Out of darkness the light of Christ will shine
As the dawn of day breaks through the night.
Then the poor and oppressed will cry out and be heard
By the light that rises from the night.

“Out of Darkness,” words and music by Tom Kendzia

Throughout Jesus’ days on earth, he tells us who he is for us: “I am the vine, and my father is the vine grower.”

“I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord.”
“I have food to eat that you do not yet know about.”
“You did not choose me but I chose you.”

Loretto uses one of many of Jesus’ self-identifications as the title of its Constitutions, “I Am the Way”: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:5)

We chose that title because we are followers of the Way of Jesus — as friends, as workers in the field, as lovers, as “diakoness” (deacons), as listeners and healers, as community builders and teachers, and so much more. We hope people will know Jesus because they have met members of Loretto. Jesus calls us as a community, not just as individuals. We do not serve alone. We do it together formed by the grace of God. It must be love without limit. The fullness of life is there for all believers. God’s vision of justice and peace is ours to claim because of what Jesus did.

In many Easter services, we sing the triple “Alleluia” before the Gospel and again at the end of the Liturgy. It is our song of joy because “God has done wonderful things for us and we are glad indeed.” What Jesus did on Easter is the most radical truth we can know: Death and darkness are overcome forever because Jesus Is Risen! “Out of darkness the light of Christ will shine.”

Happy Easter from the Loretto Community! The Sisters of Loretto, Loretto Co-members, Loretto Volunteers and Loretto staff wish all blessings and a wonderful day!

Bright yellow daffodils bloom.
Just in time for Easter, daffodils burst forth on the Motherhouse grounds.
Photo by Donna Mattingly SL

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