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Welcoming the Stranger

Posted on February 21, 2017, by Loretto Community

Statement of the Loretto Community

‘Welcoming the Stranger’

Feb. 21, 2017

The Sisters and Co-Members of Loretto, a community of faith joined in mission to work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us, call on one another and all persons of goodwill to live the words of Jesus, when he said:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”  Matthew 25:35.

The Loretto Community urges U.S. elected officials to reject immigration laws and policies at odds with the Gospel value of welcoming the stranger into the United States of America.  Specifically, we respectfully ask President Trump to halt ICE roundups of undocumented immigrants and refugees.  We ask the President to support policies that welcome refugees, from majority Muslim nations, Central America, and other places of violence and deprivation, to the United States.

We respectfully call on members of Congress to reject requests for funding to build walls on our borders, and instead to appropriate funds to provide food, drink, and shelter for those most in need, be they citizens or strangers.  We call on local government and law enforcement officials to respect the Constitutional separation of powers and functions between federal and state governments by refusing to act as agents of the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.  We thank the hundreds of local elected officials and local law enforcement officials who have promised to keep their communities safe for all, including undocumented refugees and migrants.

Since our founding in 1812, we have stood, as Mary did at the foot of the Cross, with those who suffer.  The urgent call today is to stand with immigrants and refugees.  We invite all to join in this prayerful, faithful work.


Loretto Community

We are Sisters and Co-members who strive to bring the healing spirit of God into our world.

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