What is Emerging?
Posted on December 1, 2023, by Mary Ellen McElroy SL

What seems to be emerging in our broken world today is an increase of online organizations who do not adhere to any one religion yet produce a variety of programs that are interspiritual. Humanity’s Team* is one of those groups. They are a global community dedicated to raising consciousness and embracing our essence — that is, oneness and diversity in unity. They began a program called the Global Oneness Summit in 2010 and this past October hosted their 13th summit.
Their purpose, in part, is to help humanity embrace the truth that we are part of a larger cosmic whole in which the Divine energy encompasses the total cosmos. They strive to make conscious living a global reality, where people walk this Earth knowing they are a vital cell in the body of the universe/cosmos, a cell in the Divine.
They help people understand they are on an evolutionary journey, transforming from Homo sapiens into Homo universalis, beings who understand their place in the cosmos, beings with boundless potential and everlasting life. The key to this transformation is love, the love that turns the key and opens the door to a fuller, more profound existence.
We invite you to ponder with us the vision of Humanity’s Team. What feelings stir within you as you reflect on this vision? How does this fit in with your faith life? What can we learn from this perspective? If you would like to share your reflecitons with us, we would be happy to receive them. Thank you.
*www.humanitysteam.org (“Celebrating Our Journey into Oneness,” by Steve Farrell, executive director, Oct. 7, 2023)