What is Emerging?
Posted on September 1, 2020, by Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Our first virtual Assembly was quite amazing! The presentations were challenging, the discussions lively and meaningful. And even though we were unable to meet each other face to face, there seemed to be an excitement of something new happening — like some subtle movement stirring in and around us. There was an actual awareness/awakening to something beyond us that we couldn’t yet name. As Arundhati Roy says, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
So what might this be saying to us at this time in our evolutionary process when we are witnessing global disruption, turmoil and violence along with an epidemic out of control? Debbie Asberry in a follow-up message to the participants of the Emerging Forms weekend in May gives us this wisdom:
“Our outdated and decaying systems are crumbling, and we are standing in the middle of the chaos and decay. This could be a very good time. … We can trust that from these times and out of the ashes of our dying systems, new expressions of living a life that is committed to Life and to Love are emerging. … And that whatever ‘containers’ emerge, they must be fluid, dynamic, radically diverse and radically inclusive. … This portal moment: this time of protests, rebellion, revolution and shifting of consciousness is our moment. This is our time.”
So here we are. Another world is on her way, and when we go to that inner silent space, when our minds/hearts are quiet, we can hear her breathing. We invite you to join us in moving into that quiet space, to listen in the silence of our hearts what is emerging for us, for our world. Truly God is in this place and filling us with Her lovely invitation of New Life. Can you hear her breathing?
If you’d like to share any of your reflections with us, we’d be happy to receive them.