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What is Emerging?

Posted on May 1, 2023, by Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

Every Sunday I receive “Bulletins from Immortality” in my email from Jan Phillips, who is an author, spiritual activist, storyteller and more.* On March 12, she shared a challenging awareness from her book “No Ordinary Time.” This is what she wrote:

We can’t afford not to be thinking now, when it’s our very thoughts that are shaping the world. We’re facing crises the world has never known, and we’re in labor now, trying to birth a new consciousness, evolve a higher form of humanity that comprehends its sacred essence. If we, as a human race, are to make the shift from puberty to full maturity, we must respond to the crisis of our times as every cell in the body responds to a gunshot wound — with unremitting alertness, undivided attention, generous and humble in its service to the whole.

The future ahead of us is the future we create every day, in our workplaces, our families, our encounters with strangers and friends. Our real work is to imagine the life we want to be living and draw it toward us. It is not to look behind us to see how they did it before, not to rustle through old texts for solutions, but to re-examine everything we’ve been taught and dismiss whatever divides us from one another.**

Bright red bloomed tulips.

We invite you to ponder with us Jan’s wake-up call. The following questions may be helpful. What were your thoughts the past few days that were helpful in shaping the world? Which thoughts had a negative effect? What is your vision of the life you want to be living? How do you draw it toward you? In Loretto and in your own life, how do you experience responses to the crises of our time with unremitting alertness, undivided attention and generous and humble service to the whole? How do we do this together?

If you would like to share your reflections with us, we would be happy to receive them. Thank you.

*Jan works with religious communities throughout the U.S. and Canada on evolutionary faith-building and spiritual intelligence. Her website is www. janphillips.com

**Used with permission

Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Mary Ellen McElroy SL

Mary Ellen McElroy has been a Sister of Loretto since 1958 and currently lives in Denver. She serves on the Loretto Link Board and is a member of the Spirituality/Contemplative Working Group. Mary Ellen is also a member of the Emerging Forms Group. Her latest ministry since 2000 is spiritual direction, which continues to be her favorite. One of her favorite pastimes is conversing with others about things that keep emerging in our lives. Her favorite saying is "It is what it is, and ain't any isser!"
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