Home » Features » Loretto members share fond memories of ‘‘star” Loretto educators

Loretto members share fond memories of ‘‘star” Loretto educators

Posted on May 1, 2023, by Loretto Community

Recently after reading some books about living in the present moment and being mindful, this quote of the Dalai Lama came to mind: “When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.”

A woman turns from the chalkboard where she has drawn several figures to smile for the camera.
Lydia Peña SL
Photo courtesy of Loretto Archives

This week we remember some of the many “star” teachers that have been part of Loretto’s history. Some taught us when we were young, some as we grew older. What is consistent is that we can see that it was always Loretto’s intent to educate the heart — about charity, forgiveness, peace and justice for all. Probably the greatest gift that Loretto gives our world is the emphasis on the “education of the heart.” Loretto continues to do this in many different ways today, but always with this same initial intent. Educate others with love and compassion and gratitude for all.

As Mary Nelle Gage SL reflected on being taught by Loretto members, “In regard to Loretto teachers, we never thought, ‘Oh, this is their job.’ It felt like, ‘You come to join us in learning, and we know you’ll find it as interesting and lively as we do.”

“We continue to extend the boundaries of learning and justice, of human dignity and peace, of active faith and pastoral concern through works of education and efforts on behalf of the poor.”  (I Am the Way, Loretto’s Constitutions, Article #7)

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