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What is Emerging?

Posted on December 1, 2019, by Loretto Community

By Mary Ellen McElroy and Cathy Mueller

Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

Advent provides for us the opportunity to reflect and pray about our role as Mothers of God in our world today and in the future. We often get caught in the old paradigm of how things are done and what our role is, and we totally miss the newness, the unexpected that the Universe is inviting us to live every moment of our lives. Paula D’Arcy puts it this way: “Far beyond how things appear, something vast waits to be known.”

The Emerging Forms Committee invites you to ponder with us, to reach deep inside and wonder with Mary, the Mother of Jesus holding all things in our hearts. So let us become still, listening for the whispers of Wisdom, trusting the Divine Mystery within us. As we enter that deeper state of consciousness, we begin to receive the Wisdom of the Cosmos, the Light that is the Cosmic Intelligence that shines within. What is it that we see? What is our role in this Advent endeavor? What is the future calling us to be? To do? What do we need to let go of so that we begin to see with the eyes of our hearts?

Let us be patient and trust.  “Write the Vision down … If it comes slowly, wait, for come it will, without fail.”  Hab. 2:2

If you’d like to share any of your reflections with us, we’d be happy to receive them. Blessings on this Advent season.

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