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With gratitude to Sandra

Posted on December 12, 2024, by Leslee Moore CoL

A woman wearing a pink shirt and a blue headscarf is pictured candidly speaking outdoors on a sunny day.
Sandra shares on the porch during a retreat at Snowmass Monastery in Colorado.
Photo by Leslee Moore

Perhaps your formal introduction to Sandra Hareld came as mine did, at an Outreach retreat. That first one I attended made such an impression on me that, as I like to say, I came to the Motherhouse for three days to learn about Loretto and never left.

Sandra, over many years, you have worked tirelessly to share Loretto’s spirituality and mission with the hundreds of us who subscribe to the Circle newsletter. You have organized countless retreats, solstice and equinox celebrations, met regularly with the Outreach team, edited and published the monthly newsletter, all while earning your Ph.D., a Herculean feat. Yet, you have done all this and more with graciousness and compassion. The conversations you and I had on the porch at Snowmass were enlightening and impactful in the earlier days of my Loretto journey. At every retreat, your insight opened new paths for me to explore.

As were many others, I was surprised and deeply saddened when I learned earlier this year of the necessity to sunset the Outreach program. As your work with the Loretto Community draws to a close on Dec. 31, I’m sure you will hear from others whoselives you’ve touched over the years and who were sad to learn that the Outreach position would end. As for me, well, I wouldn’t be a part of Loretto without you, and for that I am grateful.

Mary’s Lake was glorious during this year’s Haunted Trail.
Photo by Earna Volk

Leslee Moore CoL

Leslee Moore CoL has been an active volunteer, including serving as an intern on Loretto’s Pakistan Committee and assisting at Loretto Archives. She resides in Lexington, Ky.
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  1. Renee Edelen on December 18, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Thank you for the years of dedication.
    From the Motherhouse Housekeeping department.

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