

We’ve gathered, and continue to gather, reflections from Loretto Community. members about experiences that have touched them over the years. Their lives have been changed by their experiences, and we hope you will find them inspiring too. Learn about the Faith and Spirituality of Loretto members.

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Charles Nerinckx and Loretto Transcending boundaries

By Annie Stevens CoL / May 1, 2024 /
An archival black and white image of a man, Charles Nerinckx.

Two centuries after his death in 1824, Reverend Charles Nerinckx, priest-founder of Loretto, is commemorated in a cover essay I was invited to write for American Catholic Studies journal. With…

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Relationships of repair revisited

By Libby Comeaux CoL / May 1, 2024 /
Two women conversing while sitting indoors at an event, one woman is holding a microphone.

The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope. Teihard de Chardin In June 2023, those in the Loretto Community who had been working on issues…

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Reflections at the start of CSW68

By Beth Blissman CoL / April 1, 2024 /
Nine women smiling together for a group selfie indoors at a social event.

At the end of last week we observed International Women’s Day, which got me to wondering. What might it feel like if every day was International Women’s Day? What if…

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Keeping hope alive in Pakistan

By Loretto Community / April 1, 2024 /
Three women smiling together for a picture with others distracted behind them. They are outdoors on a sunny day, and two of the women are holding bowls of clay on their heads.

By Nasreen Daniel and Maribah Nasreen writes: Pakistan has 2.3 million people, or around one percent of the population, working in conditions it labels modern slavery. The most common form…

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Loretto Foundation Day Celebration 2021

By Loretto Community / April 27, 2021 /
Rustic cabin with a porch is seen through a greenish lens. Image text in upper left reads "Foundation Day 2021 Sunday, April 25th" Loretto Community patch in green, lower left. "The Spirit of 1812" in lower right.

Loretto celebrated its Foundation Day – April 25 – with memories, snapshots, reflections and sharing, including this video on “The Spirit of 1812.” Enjoy!: 

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Are We Learning Anything from COVID-19?

By Joy Jensen SL / November 1, 2020 /
Bright fuchsia flowers in bloom on a sunny day.

The covid-19 virus has not walked into the Motherhouse Infirmary. We Infirmary residents have been in lockdown since mid-March. We are isolated but not unknowing of the suffering world around…

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Reflection on Loretto’s Foundation Day

By Eileen Custy SL / April 25, 2020 /
Colorful handmade banner by Bob Strobridge with the quote "The Loretto Spirit"

“The vocation to be a Sister of Loretto, therefore, shows itself in a spirit of courage and generosity marked by trust in God, ingenuity and the self-reliance, made firm by…

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Reflections from the House of Loretto – March 19, 2020

By Maureen McCormack SL / March 19, 2020 /

Spring brings hope. Hope based in reality can fertilize the barren tree. Then perhaps it will bear fruit. I am unfolding toward my destiny even when I am not aware…

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What Is Emerging?

By Loretto Community / February 1, 2020 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

By Mary Ellen McElroy and Cathy Mueller In the December 2019 issue of Interchange the Emerging Forms Committee invited us to enter into that deeper state of consciousness so that…

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Your Presence Gives Me Untold Joy

By Claudia Calzetta SL / February 1, 2020 /
A woman with short light-colored hair and wire-framed glasses showing off greeting cards.

When I sat down to write this article, I just couldn’t decide how to begin. There are so many “themes” that can be expanded about Roberta’s latest experience with jaw…

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7,600 collective years of Loretto service to the people of God

By Marlene Spero SL / November 5, 2019 /

As of the end of 2019, the vowed Sisters of Loretto currently living have collectively served in various ministries to the People of God for over 7,600 years. Sisters take…

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Emerging Forms Committee Asks, ‘What is Emerging?’

By Loretto Community / November 1, 2019 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

(Editor’s Note:  Reflections from the Emerging Forms Committee)  A question people often ask and wonder about is, “What is really meant by evolutionary consciousness?” We invite you to ponder with…

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