

We’ve gathered, and continue to gather, reflections from Loretto Community. members about experiences that have touched them over the years. Their lives have been changed by their experiences, and we hope you will find them inspiring too. Learn about the Faith and Spirituality of Loretto members.

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Pentecost Reflection

By Loretto Community / June 8, 2019 /

Pentecost Sunday, June 9, 2019Reflection from the Loretto Earth Network We read in Acts 2: “When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place.…

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A Reflection on Ask the Beasts

By Joy Jensen SL / May 1, 2019 /
A hawk perches on a tall pine tree.

A few years ago a juvenile red-tailed hawk was injured while flying into an electrical line. It died of starvation. I searched and found it under a tree. I stroked…

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What is Emerging?/Emerging Mission

By Susan Classen CoL / November 1, 2018 /
Tall leafy trees in a shady forest.

(Editor’s Note: Part 1: A reflection at the one-year anniversary of the Nov. 4, 2017, vow celebration.) JoAnn Gates and I recently visited Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky where…

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The Secret Garden Revisited: A Reflection

By Joy Jensen SL / October 1, 2018 /
Green bushes with white flowers lining a still pond on a green field on a sunny day.

A bird feeder hangs outside on my Infirmary window. A Chipping sparrow visits it daily and is occasionally joined by a Harris’s sparrow. After eating they fly to the Japanese…

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Remembering Cecily: A Reflection

By Martha Alderson CoL / September 1, 2017 /
A woman with short white hair wearing a pink shirt smiling brightly for a picture outdoors while holding a small white dog with long grey ears.

Cecily (Peggy mostly, to me) was so many qualities I admired and such support to me that it would take much too much time and space to elaborate. Nevertheless, I…

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Maureen McCormack Offers Her Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue

By Maureen McCormack SL / March 1, 2017 /
Short-haired woman wearing black turtleneck and glasses smiling for a headshot.

As I think about the topic of interfaith dialogue, I realize that most of us grew up in one faith or no faith tradition. Some were part of an interfaith…

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Jubilee Reflection: A Little Story About a Lifetime Commitment

By Loretto Community / February 2, 2017 /

By Kim Klein Here is a little summary of what I hope I said at my Jubilee after telling the story of meeting Loretto through Vicki Quatmann and making my…

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A Reflection: ‘In the Company of Seekers and Saints’

By Patricia Geier CoL / February 1, 2017 /
A short-haired women in a colorful tank top with glasses on smiles inside for a picture.

In the wee hours of a sleepless morning, I couldn’t help but think of the opening lines from Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times,…

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Fifth Intercommunity Collaborative Leadership Development Program Will Begin This Year

By Maureen O'Connell SL / February 1, 2017 /
Woman in blue jacket smiles in office chair for a picture.

“Far and away, the CLDP program has been the best professional and personal development program I have ever engaged in. Not only has it allowed me to more fully understand…

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Balcony View: A Discernment Practice

By Susan Classen CoL / December 1, 2016 /
Balcony Logo

The “balcony view” refers to a discernment practice that involves stepping back from the details to look at the broad view. Two personal memories highlight the importance of looking from…

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Marian Middle School Answers Question ‘What About the Girls?’

By Barbara Roche SL / October 1, 2016 /
Classroom of young girls using computers with a teacher smiling at the camera.

LCWR, MMS Come Together for Girls Aug. 27 the local St. Louis Area LCWR invited Marian Middle School President Mary Elizabeth Grimes to make a presentation at its annual workshop…

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Traveling Together in Loretto

By Pilar Gonzalez CoL / September 1, 2016 /
A STEM Club celebrating a successful tournament with a group photo.

My Loretto journey has given me nothing but a strong solid Community where I feel supported in my efforts to continue with my mission. I feel loved, no matter what…

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