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Cecily Jones: a poet for today

By Martha Alderson CoL / June 12, 2020 /
A woman with short, grey hair, smiling for a picture while sitting in a lawn chair outdoors in autumn. She is wearing a dark blue striped sweater.

The Porch of Possibility, Vol. II, by Cecily Jones SL (1924–2017), is available for purchase. The book, published in 2018, includes 33 poems, most com-posed after Vol. I was published…

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Pakistan: Helping our neighbors protect themselves

By Nasreen Daniel SL / June 12, 2020 /
Women sewing

Photos by Nasreen Daniel SL The whole of humanity is grappling with the coronavirus. In Pakistan, after the appearance of COVID-19, the price of masks drastically increased. Poor people all over…

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Through Loretto Link we extend our mission into the future

By Barbara Roche SL / June 12, 2020 /

Loretto came to be and comes to be through the creative Spirit of God, whose grace worked powerfully in our founders and continues to work in the community as a whole and…

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Loretto Volunteer Becca Krasky devotes herself to living in community

By Mallory Daily / June 12, 2020 /

Having Becca Krasky at Angelica Village is a blessing. She is kind, engaging, brings new ideas and will help wherever needed. It is great to have the perspective of a…

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Running a farm, Caring for Earth

By Christina Manweller / June 12, 2020 /
Man on farm tractor

The studies that have been done about regenerative agriculture, that’s really what Cody is already doing in many aspects. Susan Classen CoL, Eco-Systems Manager Photo by Christina Manweller Farmers, working…

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One of our most basic rights …

By Kim Klein CoL / June 12, 2020 /

… endowed by their Creator … certain unalienable Rights … Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness  As of this writing, most of us are sheltering in place to protect ourselves and others from…

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Loretto’s promise to the land

By Christina Manweller / June 12, 2020 /

‘The bees are swarming!’ One of the hives tended by Susan Classen released a black humming cloud that was moving up and onward with definite purpose.  Swarming bees can mean the…

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Loretto Hospitality Moves Us Closer to the Other

By Loretto Community / June 8, 2020 /

One of our most beloved values is our Loretto hospitality, the time-honored tradition of welcoming the other and embracing all. ”I Am the Way,” Loretto’s Constitutions, #22, calls us to…

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Loretto Calls for Fundamental Reform to Racist System in U.S. that Targets People of Color

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2020 /

Racism is the original and persistent sin of the United States.  Unarmed black people are killed by police authorities and armed members of the public.  Say their names:  George Floyd,…

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We Are in this Together!

By Lydia Peña SL / June 1, 2020 /
Three friends high-fiving in a circle while indoor rock climbing wearing grey helmets.

I wonder how we will continue this togetherness after COVID-19. I believe that wonder at human life can keep violence from brewing. Humanity is not an exclusive club. Lives, small,…

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What is Emerging?

By Mary Ellen McElroy SL / June 1, 2020 /
Pink and purple butterfly graphic for Interchange What is Emerging?

The ending is a beginning! LCWR’s most recent Reflective Journal on Discernment presents us with a poem entitled “Trasna” by Raphael Consedine PBVM. It challenges us to view this historic…

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GSR Reprint: Q & A with Sr. Anna Koop

By Loretto Community / June 1, 2020 /
A woman with short grey hair, wearing a red sweater and blue jeans sitting on a couch in a living room looking out the window candidly.

Editor’s note: When the Global Sisters Report produced a series on women religious working with those who are homeless or living in substandard housing, they could not have chosen a…

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