Christmas blessings from Loretto!
Posted on December 19, 2022, by Loretto Community

The O Antiphons, proclamations of the prophets of Israel, bring Advent to a close, lead us to God and tell us the names of God as told through the Old Testament story of salvation history. The Church has been singing the O Antiphons since the sixth century to help us to pray. The O Antiphons tell the story that fulfills all our hopes. Loretto invites you to pray them with us. (O Antiphon art by Robert Strobridge CoL)
The O Antiphons end the day before Christmas Eve. All of salvation history comes to fulfillment in Jesus at Christmas. We have heard John the Baptist call us to “repent and prepare.” We have heard the angel Gabriel say, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” We have heard the Virgin Mary say, “Yes, may it be done to me according to your word.” We have heard. We have believed. Now we must act.
At Christmas, the deepest mystery of Advent comes into being. What of us in our time? We hear: “Feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, cloth the naked, tend the sick, visit the prisoner, bury the dead.” How much clearer could it be? The carols of Christmas take on significant meaning this year. It is for all people, especially those who are poor, that Jesus comes.
At Loretto Motherhouse during Christmas Mass we often have sung the inspiring carol “O Holy Night.” It truly is “a new and glorious morn” each Christmas because we have the opportunity to grow into that of which we sing. The divine and the human are most intimately linked. God is with us forever! Glory to God for having been given to us. The Savior has entered the world. It is indeed the “fullness of time.”

Merry Christmas!
The Loretto Motherhouse awakens on a winter morning as our star, the sun, rises in the east, announcing the good news of another day.
Woven together by love and united in fond affection with Brother Sun, Sister Moon and Mother Earth, let us cherish one another with love and respect.
You are in our prayers this Christmas season, and always.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Loretto Community!