Loretto honors 2022 jubilarians*
Posted on February 19, 2023, by Loretto Community
75 years
Katherine Ann Heinz SL

Katherine Ann spent 36 years as a teacher, mostly in lower grades at schools in El Paso, St. Louis and Denver. She then worked as a member of the Denver Loretto staff office for 16 years before moving to the Motherhouse, where she worked in Archives and now “does lots of little odd jobs,” she says, for the Motherhouse Community.
Katherine Ann, who turned 94 in August, has outlived all of her Loretto novitiate classmates.
You should have a very close connection with God and pray to God to ask, ‘What do you want me to do?’
Katherine Ann Heinz SL
50 years
Rosemary Chinnici SL

Rosemary says, “I have had a good life in the Community. I loved being a teacher and being a student. My mentor and good friend Sr. Rose Alma (Schuler) always made me be a better person and helped bring out my gifts to share in the Community. I have always had great love for Loretto, and tried my best to help the Community go in the direction it needed to grow into at the time.”
Becky Coakley CoL

Becky was received into co-membership in 1972 by Helen Sanders SL. Five months later she moved to England. She had a one-year work permit to live and work at St. Christopher’s Hospice, a pioneering enterprise in London. She fell in love with history and stayed. “I suppose this was not how I envisioned my co-membership,” she says. “Working in numerous committees within the Loretto Community means I can properly meet people albeit on a screen! The Link Cooperative Economics Working Group has been a godsend and life-giving inspiration for me. It is an honor to have known many sisters and co-members over the years.”
Celebrating 25 years
Marianne Novak Houston CoL

Marianne was originally a vowed member of Loretto. Upon leaving that commitment, she did not leave the Community. Marianne continues to do Loretto’s work. On belonging to Loretto, she says, “These holy women and men who are called to respond to Spirit are the greatest companions in the world. Even though you may not talk to some folks for 10 years, you are never really separated from them. They give us courage and teach us how to continue the work of our great community organizer known as Jesus Christ. All around, great company.”
Mary Louise Murphy CoL

Mary Louise was a Sister of Loretto before leaving vowed membership and becoming a co-member. To both experiences she says, “Joining Loretto as a sister and a comember is a blessing and has enriched my life.” She values all of her Loretto experiences, especially visiting the Motherhouse with her husband, and says, “All that Loretto brings to you widens your horizons and thinking.” Mary Louise is grateful to be more aware of environmental issues and current events. She treasures her friendships with the sisters.
Linda Peeno CoL

Linda is a co-member who received the Mary Rhodes Award in 1995. The Mary Rhodes Award has honored women who are notable for their accomplishments in working for peace and acting for justice. In 1996, during the height of the national debate over patients’ rights and the role of health maintenance organizations (HMOs), Dr. Peeno testified before Congress, condemning for-profit insurance companies for their part in making the U.S. healthcare system at that time the most expensive and one of the most dysfunctional in the world. Since then, she has become one of the world’s best known whistle-blowers concerning HMOs and the healthcare industry. Her commitment to working for peace and acting for justice has never faltered.
Mary Helen Sandoval CoL

Mary Helen joined the Sisters of Loretto after college. She is grateful for that time in her life. “It really changed my life and helped me to become aware of social justice issues. After three-and-a-half years I left. Later I was married and had four kids. As my kids were growing up, I would read Interchange, Loretto’s monthly newsletter. I always thought, ‘Lorettos are such wonderful people!’ I was invited to Loretto’s St. Patrick’s day gatherings. One day I came home and thought, I have to become a co-member! Being a co-member has far exceeded any expectations I had. I have a hard time expressing the gratitude I feel for the support of things I really believe in, the sense of working on those things together as a Community and deep friendships that continue to change my life. I’m very grateful.”
*We are recognizing Loretto’s 2022 jubilarians in 2023 due to an unexpected delay. Congratulations jubilarians! 2023 jubilarians will appear at a later date.
To read all the articles in the Winter 2022-2023 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.