

We celebrate our Jubilarians’ faithfulness – to their vows, to their commitment to the Loretto Community, to the people of God and to one another. Each of their lives is a reflection of Loretto’s mission: “We work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us.” Learn more about the Loretto Community.

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2024 Jubilarians

By Loretto Community / June 11, 2024 /
Yellow and black butterfly sitting on a milkweed plant.

80th Jubilee 70th Jubilee 65th Jubilee 50th – Golden Jubilee 25th – Silver Jubilee 80th Jubilee Kathleen Tighe SL Kathleen Tighe was received into Loretto on April 25, 1944, following…

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Loretto celebrates our 2023 Jubilarians!

By Loretto Community / June 12, 2023 /
A display of names of 2023 Loretto jubilarians.

Loretto celebrates the Jubilarians of 75 years, 70 and 65! We offer these Sisters our love and prayers. We have watched the journey of the Jubilarians. They walk in joy,…

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2023 Jubilarians

By Loretto Community / June 12, 2023 /

75th – Diamond Jubilee 70th Jubilee 65th Jubilee 60th Jubilee 50th – Golden Jubilee 25th – Silver Jubilee 75th – Diamond Jubilee Cabrini Bartolo SL Cabrini was received into Loretto…

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Loretto honors 2022 jubilarians*

By Loretto Community / February 19, 2023 /

75 years Katherine Ann Heinz SL Katherine Ann spent 36 years as a teacher, mostly in lower grades at schools in El Paso, St. Louis and Denver. She then worked…

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Loretto Jubilarians: Faithful to the Gospel & Dedicated to Loving God’s People (Part 2)

By Loretto Community / June 24, 2022 /
List of names of people celebrating jubilees in 2022

How we spend our days is, after all, how we spend our lives. Annie Dillard The Gospel text for Sunday, June 26, tells the story of the disciples of Jesus…

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Loretto Jubilarians: Faithful to the Gospel & Dedicated to Loving God’s People

By Loretto Community / June 21, 2022 /
List of names of people celebrating jubilees in 2022

“The vocation to be a Sister of Loretto shows itself in a spirit of courage and generosity, marked by a trust in God, ingenuity and self-reliance, made firm by a…

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Getting to Know Jane Wilson, 25 Years a Co-member

By Elaine Prevallet SL / October 1, 2019 /
A woman, Jane Wilson with shoulder-length light-colored hair and round wire-framed glasses smiling brightly for a selfie picture indoors.

 I met Jane Wilson in the 70s when I went to live in community and teach at Pendle Hill, a Quaker adult learning/living community in Pennsylvania. I taught (actually shared…

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Donna Doyle Chats About Her 25 Years as a Loretto Co-member

By Martha Alderson CoL / October 1, 2019 /
A woman, Donna Doyle, with short grey hair pulled back and dark-framed glasses wearing a plaid grey suit with a bright red bowtie. She is smiling for a picture at an indoor social event.

(Editor’s Note: Material obtained from telephone conversation between Martha Alderson and Donna Doyle) Born in Mobile, Ala., Donna Doyle still has Mobile in her speech pattern after all these years.…

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Co-Member Lillian Moskeland Celebrates Silver Jubilee

By Mary Peter Bruce SL / October 1, 2019 /
A woman, Lillian Moskeland, with shirt white hair, gold hoop earrings, and a red shirt smiling brightly for a portrait picture with a plain white background.

Twenty-five years ago Lillian Bruce Moskeland decided to become part of the Loretto family. She and I then had one more life adventure to add to our ever-growing friendship and sisterhood.…

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Paulette Peterson ‘Finally’ Celebrates a Jubilee

By Cathy Mueller SL / September 1, 2019 /
A woman, Paulette Peterson, with long curly brown hair and big earrings wearing a blue collared shirt smiling brightly for a headshot picture with a plain green background.

Paulette Peterson’s description of her time with Loretto is one of invitation. As a student at Webster College, she was invited by Therese Stawowy to live at Mullanphy House where…

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Kay DeMarea Celebrates Her 70th Jubilee

By Loretto Community / June 10, 2019 /

Kay DeMarea celebrated her 70th Jubilee April 25 at Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky. She was joined by her housemate and friend, Suzanne Reasbeck. They both enjoyed the delicious celebration…

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On Foundation Day, Loretto Motherhouse Celebrates Jubilarians

By Kathleen Tighe SL / June 1, 2019 /
Six men wearing dark grey and black suits standing on a higher platform indoors and smiling with one woman standing lower, in the middle wearing a bright purple sweater.

(Editor’s Note:  On April 25, 2019, Foundation Day, the Loretto Motherhouse Community celebrated Jubiliarians Genevieve Cavanaugh (80th), Mary Katherine Hammett and Kathleen Tighe (75th Diamond Jubilees), and Kay DeMarea (70th).…

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