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Loretto Peace Committee Stands As Witness

Posted on January 24, 2022, by Loretto Community

On behalf of Loretto and all, during the pandemic, members of Loretto’s Peace Committee stand as witnesses to our nation’s buildup of nuclear weapons. They are witnesses to the U.S. Congress’s blind increase of the military budget. They are witnesses to the war on the poor at our borders and across these United States.

People stand in a crowd holding colorful signs in favor of gun safety regulations
Members of Loretto’s Community Group 22, including members of Loretto’s Peace Committee, attend a gun safety demo event in 2018 on Long Island, N.Y. Among those present are Kathy Wright, Mary Bundy, Beth Blissman, Sally Dunne, Mary Ann McGivern, Paulette Peterson and Mary Lou Pierron.
Photo by Mary Ann McGivern.

They protest by keeping watch, standing with all the groups that are striving to keep the peace. They protest by telling others what is happening. They love one another, and they try to love our enemies. That’s the work of the Peace Committee in these days of quarantine and strife.


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  1. Avatar Barbara Ann Barbato, SL on January 24, 2022 at 11:51 pm

    You have my support in this necessary witness.

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