

For more than 40 years, Loretto Co-members have enriched the life of Loretto. Their presence is reflected in relationships, service on committees, financial support and participating in the many missions of Loretto. Learn more about the Co-Members of Loretto.

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Loretto Circles extend spirit, values of Loretto Community

By Loretto Community / April 8, 2024 /
Eleven smiling people pose for a photo on a set of stairs outside a red brick building.

In 2009 at the Loretto Assembly, Loretto members approved a resolution to create a Loretto Circle as a way for individuals to connect with Loretto without needing to make a…

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Public Lenten prayer service held in Louisville for Peace in Palestine, Israel

By Loretto Community / March 4, 2024 /

Published by the Courier Journal on February 28, 2024 More than 50 people came to the Federal Courthouse for a Lenten Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel on Wednesday,…

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Co-member Barbara Wander’s Latest Report on Haiti

By Loretto Community / March 4, 2024 /

Barbara Wander is a Loretto co-member who has been working with the Little Sisters of St. Therese in Haiti for many years. Click here to read the March 2024 issue…

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Remembrance of the Life of Loretto Co-member Patty Brush

By Eleanor Craig SL / February 11, 2024 /

Loretto Co-member Margaret Patricia “Patty” Brush died Feb. 11 at age 83 at Loretto Living Center in Nerinx, Ky. As Patty Batton, she entered the Loretto novitiate in 1958, leaving just…

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Loretto Joins Mennonite Peace Action

By Loretto Community / January 24, 2024 /
A woman in a heavy black jacket and wool gloves stands in a crowd with snow on the ground holding a red banner that says "violence has never defeated violence"

Co-members Susan Classen and JoAnn Gates represented Loretto at a Mennonite-led peace action for Gaza in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 16. They were among about 200 people who gathered for a…

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A Loretto mindset: Young at heart!

By Loretto Community / January 1, 2024 /
Shadows of three camels and their riders stretch across the desert sand.

To start out the new year, Loretto asked members the following: Whom do you think of within Loretto when you hear the phrase “young at heart?” Follow us on Facebook…

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Loretto welcomes new co-member, Jen Staed

By Loretto Community / December 12, 2023 /
Jennifer Staed, head shot

The Loretto Community welcomes its newest co-member, Jen Staed! While Jen has been active in Loretto and Loretto Link for several years, she formally became a co-member on December 4th.…

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They’re dying and have nowhere to go. Hildegard House helps them die with dignity.

By Loretto Community / November 21, 2023 /

Originally published by the Courier Journal November 21, 2023 When Family Health Centers referred Monique Smith to Norton Hospital for testing, she did not suspect cancer. She certainly did not…

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All Saints & All Souls: Honoring, Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us

By Loretto Community / October 30, 2023 /
An angel and a cross are profiled in front of the setting sun.

Do you keep those holy card remembrances of family and friends who have died? This week, which includes the celebration of  the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, is…

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Update on the Loretto Investment Committee

By Loretto Community / September 27, 2023 /
A cover crop of buckwheat, green leaves with white petals shown on a sunny day.

By Kathy Wright CoL One of the Loretto Investment Committee’s long-standing works has been impact investments and loans to non-profits whose work is closely aligned with Loretto values and priorities.…

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Loretto Community 2023 Jubilarians

By Loretto Community / September 22, 2023 /
A woman with metal framed glasses and white hair wearing stud silver earrings giving a soft smile not looking at the camera. She is wearing a blue shirt with a lanyard that has the word "Loretto" repeating.

We honor all our 2023 Loretto Jubilarians, including these individuals celebrating major milestones. To read all the articles in the Fall 2023 issue of Loretto Magazine, click here.

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Reaching Out in Love to Ghana’s Rural Poor: The FST Rural Ministry

By Loretto Community / September 20, 2023 /
Young FST sisters smiling wearing green squiggly Trinity cloth, which forms part of a habit.

By Sister Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah CoL One of the ways through which we, the Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity (also known as FST sisters), share God’s love with the…

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